almost 3 years
ago -
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- Fixed an issue that disabled PNCR knockback (released in an earlier minor patch).
- Fixed projectiles becoming stuck in moving props like doors or weapon clipped props when fired from within.
- Increased the Rocket Launcher’s secondary attack (grenades) ammo usage from 2 to 3.
- Increased the time before being able to switch to other weapons or fire primary after firing rocket launcher secondary to match the old stand alone Grenade Launcher values.
- Decreased the horizontal radius of rocket and grenade projectiles from 2 to 1 unit for hit detection.
- Added impact sounds for the Shotgun’s secondary attack.
- Added a hum sound to the Void Cannon like the Shaft and PNCR have, which is audible to other players nearby.
Visual changes
- Fixed an issue causing a part of the Cyclops shell to be rendered incorrectly in maps.
- Fixed the PNCR beam’s visuals not going through all players (released in an earlier minor patch).
- Reduced size of the PNCR’s wall impact particle effect to better distinguish it from the player hit effect (released in an earlier minor patch).
- Fixed third party shaft beams visually going through other players (released in an earlier minor patch).
- Fixed an issue causing player models to stand up from being crouched after they stop firing.
- Added current game time and team scores to the match hover info box in the Play menu.
- Added an option to select maps from other game modes in the Custom Game’s map selection modal.
- Fixed some tampering vulnerabilities in the interface. Thanks to hst for reporting them.
- Fixed an issue that made newly added EGS friends show as “Pending…” and offline in the friends list until restarting the game.
- Fixed changing the eggbot color in the locker not updating the preview model right away.
- Fixed not being able to select default customization options (released in an earlier minor patch).
- Updated the dead state overlay image on player avatars.
- Replaced the ready up message with a waiting for players message when not enough players are present to start a match.
- Fixed icons from frags with secondary attacks not showing in the frag feed.
- Fixed the infinity symbol in the current ammo HUD element not using the correct color.
- Fixed an issue causing multiple team-join messages to be displayed in the console when someone connects.
Masterserver and matches
- Fixed various issues that could result in too many players being in the same team.
- Fixed a rare issue where the match abandon state would take 5 minutes before it gets set after a player did not connect to the server.
- Various changes to improve detection of disconnected players in ranked matches for the abandon state.
- Fixed an issue with continuous matches preventing clients from being pulled into pickups or queued matches. Tournament system
- Improved tournament match server selection algorithm (released in an earlier minor patch).
- Added an option for staff to set a community tournament to be featured (visible for everyone).
- Changed the join by id button in the tournament list screen to an open by id button to be able to open and view the tournament page before signing up.
- Added a required option for tournament creators to set a signup start time.
- Fix for editor undo/redo unreliability for terrain.
- Fix for custom pickup entities and text indicators not working until the map is fully reloaded.
- Fix for Race mode logic actions not respecting player tags.
- Fix for Capture Area timers not being active during some stages of the game, thank you to AngryTetris for the report.
- Improved behavior of jumppads with the ‘bounce’ property in cases where the jumppad is thinner than the player hitbox on one axis.
- The logic action ‘start_race’ now has a drop-down in the editpad to select a ‘start_type’ which matches the behaviors of regular start triggers: ‘start_timer’, ‘start_timer_loop’, ‘restart_without_end’, or ‘smart_loop’.
- Added the logic action ‘remove_weeballs’.
- It’s now possible to set a game mode in the editor before starting to edit the map and without a “/reset” by using the command “/edit [map_name] [mode_code]”, for example: “/edit tt_toxic race”.
- Collision fixes to Toxic, Brut, Sanctum, Machine, Darkness, Dynamo, Rekiem, Coyote, Caliburn, Mediterranean Market.