about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- It’s now possible to set the auto-switch weapon priority in Settings-More settings, where the weapons can be ordered from most wanted to least wanted. This order will be respected when selecting the weapon to switch to when running out of ammo if the auto-switch option is enabled, when spawning and selecting your starting weapon, when dropping a weapon if this option is enabled in custom games, or when picking up a weapon if the option to auto-equip based on priority is enabled (see next item).
- There is now an option to automatically equip weapons. The option has three settings: disabled, equip always, or equip if the new weapon has a higher priority in the weapon priority list (see previous item). The “equip always” is the default of this option so you may want to disable it in Settings-More settings-Auto equip weapon on pickup.
- When the Auto-switch option “When running out of ammo” and when the option “Equip empty weapons” are both set, selecting an empty weapon and then firing it, will now automatically switch to a weapon with ammo.
- Implemented remedy for a network condition causing players to disappear or be displaced intermittently and be harder to hit. Further improvements to dealing with lagging players are still planned.
Daily challenges
- The XP reward of Daily challenges has been increased from 1000XP to 1500XP.
- Some new avatars from the Twitch drops avatar campaign have been added for streamers and their viewers.
-The Shop has been updated.