about 3 years
ago -
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- Fixed issue that could cause input sluggishness for some players. Thank you to Napalm3D for testing.
- Minor performance optimizations related to rendering.
- In Race physics the triple jumping bonus window is now reset upon teleporting or spawning.
- In Race physics the multi jumping bonus window is now reset upon spawning.
- The Editpad’s Map menu now contains a “Skybox rotation” option.
- Selected liquids now have a “Damage” option in the Editpad’s Properties menu.
- Selected liquids now have a “Color” option in the Editpad’s Properties menu.
- Selected jumppads now have a “Target” field in the Editpad’s Properties menu.
- Selected teleports now have a “Target” field in the Editpad’s Properties menu.
- Changed the enable_sound property type to a true/false value, from being erroneously set to a numeric value.
- Selected props now have an “Enable sound if present” option in the Editpad’s Properties menu.
- Fixed the “Ambient Occlusion Radius” and “Ambient Occlusion Power” fields not working in the Editpad’s Map menu.
- Scrollbars now work in all Editpad menus.
- Fixed cosmetic issue with the Editpad’s scrollbar thumb overflowing the layout.
- Minor cosmetic improvements to the Editpad.
- i3D.net has resolved an issue that was causing higher pings on the Johannesburg server for Vox Telecom clients. Thank you to blackpoisoN for reporting and checking the fix.