over 2 years ago - Trello - Direct link
  • Map “Apollo” is now available in Wee-Bow Instagib queues
  • Map “Enclosure” is now available in Rocket Arena 2v2
  • Fixed broken achievement stickers
  • FFA end screen says your placement instead of defeat
  • Fixed projectile visuals disappearing for players sometimes
  • Fixed some projectile-related netcode issues
  • Fixed issue preventing stickers from showing up on the eggbot in the Menus -Thank you to samozvanka and obican for helping us solve a connection issue that prevented them and several others from playing Diabotical for a very long time -Thank you to netborg for helping with a stuttering issue -Thank you to RedPhotoFrame for reporting an abusive command that was available -Many others have reported issues and helped us which are not included here but even if we cannot thank all individually we decided to thank some. We appreciate all reports and assistance that many people have provided