about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- Map ratings are now shown in the content creation area too.
- The number of ratings for each map is now shown in the community maps list.
- The rating algorithm has been updated for community maps when ordered by “Highest rated”.
Masterserver and matches
- Fixed an issue preventing some community maps from being played on some servers.
- Fixed the “allow queueing” custom lobby setting which was being reset after a map ended.
- The Reset texture bind which is by default set to “numpad 5” now also resets texture rotation. It is now available in Settings-Controls-Editing.
- The rotation of the block selection textures is now displayed on the editpad.
- The rotation of the block selection textures is now displayed when using the command /info.
- Fixed an issue causing spots of black lighting when setting a team color to pure black.
- Fixed an issue causing props to occasionally flash when setting a team color to pure black.
- Collision fixes to Refinery, Icefall, and Bioplant, thank you to stormsman for the report.
-The Shop has been updated.