about 3 years
ago -
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- In order to make it easier to connect with other players while in game, there is now a Diabotical friend system which works alongside and transparently with your Epic friends list. In the friends list you will now see Epic friends indicated with an Epic Games icon, and Diabotical friends indicated with a Diabotical icon. Further social improvements will be coming to the game soon.
- It is possible to add someone as a Diabotical friend by clicking the add friend button on player profiles.
- It is possible to add someone as a Diabotical friend by right clicking on a party member and selecting the option.
- It is possible to prevent other players from sending you Diabotical friend invites by clicking on Settings in the friends list. Diabotical friends can also be removed in-game by clicking them in the friends list and then selecting that option.
- Fixed an issue preventing props with an “action” and/or “movement” setting from being selectable by clicking on them.
- In order to further restrict an entity search by asset type, it is now possible to type “static prop”, “dynamic prop” (with the exception of some static props that also appear), “decal”, “material”, and “entity”.
-The Shop has been updated.