about 3 years
ago -
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- Weeble damage has been reduced from 10 to 5
- The Knockback Weeble has been removed from Wipeout
- The Weeble cooldown in modes where you can switch between Weebles, is now based on the cooldown of the last Weeble that you threw before switching to a different Weeble
- In Wipeout the Weeble cooldowns are now being reset correctly at the end of rounds
- In Wipeout the Weeble cooldown is now correctly counting the time spent while dead like the HUD’s cooldown bar already did
- In order to grab a Weeble in modes with pickups you now press the Use key to grab a nearby Weeble
- In Brawl and Duel you can now grab Weebles and when you die with a Weeble you will lose it (unlike in CTF and Wipeout), then after 30 seconds a Weeble will respawn at its pickup location
- wo_prb_04_wip has been updated
- b_refinery now has Weeble pickups
- duel_bioplant’s collision has been updated
- duel_frontier’s collision has been updated
- medina_omar has been updated
- Some fixes to maps that had been affected by some prop and texture changes
- Some Medieval props have been added
- Some Medina props have been added
- The med_gothic_fountain prop’s appearance should now be fixed