about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link


  • Fixed bug in the Custom Game menu where custom physics selection goes blank on first startup (recent unreported change)
  • In the Custom Game menu, added a category separating the Signature Movement and Novelty Ruleset custom physics


  • In the Dashboard the Weeble cooldown bar now resets correctly after warmup
  • In the Dashboard the Weeble cooldown bar is no longer visible when the Weeble is available


  • New damage taken sounds
  • New item pre-spawn and item spawn sounds


  • The Slow Field, Smoke, Explosion and Implosion Weeble now do 10 damage and have a minimum splash damage of 10 as well (they always do 10 damage to those in range)
  • In CTF you no longer keep the Weeble that you grabbed in warmup after the match starts
  • In CTF you no longer respawn with a Weeble ready, the cooldown keeps going from your previous use in a previous life
  • In CTF the Weebles no longer respawn when a flag is captured
  • Added novelty rulesets category of just-for-fun physics as wacky, non-serious homages to other games that may not be gameplay-viable outside of custom games
  • Finalized the Signature Movement category for custom games/time trials: –Classic: Gain speed quickly in air using Strafejump, redirect momentum quickly on ground using Circlejump. Demonstration: https://streamable.com/uitlo Time Trials: https://streamable.com/q4nlz –Vintage`: Highly maneuverable in air using Bunnyhop, gain initial speed on ground using Circlejump Demonstration: https://streamable.com/2e0fx –Hybrid: Combines Strafejump and Bunnyhop mechanics accessible in all movement directions into one intuitive package, as well as Crouchslide. Demonstration: https://streamable.com/0i4g7 Time Trials: https://streamable.com/bfysi –Freestyle: Combines various AFPS families including Painkiller, Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament into one cohesive package Demonstration: https://streamable.com/zqckq Time Trials: https://streamable.com/5sybn


-The overlays from powerups, flag and being the last alive in Wipeout are now displayed in first person correctly -The Dashboard icons now match the correct powerup


  • ctf_dojo_wip and ctf_cathedral_wip now have 5 defined starting spawns on each base and the Weeble pickups are placed nearby
  • ctf_waterwoks_wip has been updated, in case you missed it you can watch promEUs working on this version here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/491894403?t=02m47s
  • medina_omar has been updated


  • The starting spawns (/forsel set %1 start true) are now used exclusively for the start and not for subsequent spawns