about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link


  • It’s now possible to chat during the match intro screen (this also solves the issue where pressing your chat bind would open an invisible chat which would mean that you would appear to be stuck after you spawned until you left the chat since you wouldn’t see that text input bar)
  • The FOV converter’s Normal FOV detailed preview has been updated and now shows the values for different axes that are affected by each type of FOV measurement


  • There is now a more noticeable ready up message with a bolder font, different text color for the keybind and it fades/pulses in and out until the keybind is pressed
  • In the tab scoreboard there is now an indicator on the bottom right corner of player avatars that shows whether a player is ready or not
  • The score in the scoreboard is now slightly smaller


  • There’s a new zoom noise (recent unreported change)

Visual changes

  • The issues of props with transparency being seen through walls should now be fixed, props with animations which aren’t set as moving props are still invisible


  • The map medina_theme has been added which showcases multiple medina theme props and textures that are being worked on, type /edit medina_theme in the console to see it


  • Fixed issue where creating an ambient light node with a very large size would temporarily hang up the editor
  • Blocks are now faster to create and delete
  • There’s no longer lag when switching to and from the editpad however toggling the editpad no longer refreshes movers and grabbed entities, in order to do that you can type /refresh or /bind editor KEY refresh, twice for entities, once for movers
  • Props with transparency are no longer showing up through walls when they shouldn’t
  • For the moment the outline around props is not being used, instead there are some green corner indicators surrounding the currently selected prop
  • medina theme props and textures have been added, search for mdn in the editpad