about 3 years
ago -
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- Fixed an issue where having toggle zoom enabled and weapon switch zoom reset disabled, would still reset zoom when switch weapons sometimes.
- Time Trials now has a warmup phase like other modes.
- Added the option to select previous seasons for leaderboards, player stats and player ranks.
- Fixed the alignment of the weapon columns in the Profile stats page.
- Fixed issue causing HP taken stats to be incorrect after picking the Siphonator.
- Fixed issue causing Siphonator healing not to invalidate an assist mark.
- Fixed the HP bonus from collecting powerups not counting towards HP taken stats.
- Fixed secondary fire damage not counting towards weapon damage stats.
- There is now a Text HUD element for custom text.
- There is now a Statistic HUD element to display current personal statistics or of the player being spectated. The statistics options available are: Total damage done, Total damage taken, Total health collected, Total armor collected, Kill / Death / Assists.
- The Old Timer Super Shotgun is now centered correctly when using the centered weapons option.
- Some pipe props have been added, search โofsโ in the editpad to find them. Thank you to febreeze for creating them.
- Collision fixes to Eggplant, Furnace, Refinery, and Wellspring.
- Some new avatars from the Twitch drops avatar campaign have been added for streamers and their viewers.