about 3 years
ago -
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Play menu
- The Daily Playlist has been replaced with:
- Quick Play card which includes FFA, FFA Instagib, TDM 4v4, Warmup. Quick Play matches are continuous, upon selecting a mode you will immediately join a match (this functions like the Warmup mode has, it is not a queue).
- Ranked card which includes 1v1 Aim Arena, 1v1 Duel, 4v4 Wipeout. Ranked matches are not continuous, one or more of these modes can be queued at the same time and the match will start when all players have been found.
- 1v1 Aim Arena and 4v4 Wipeout now have leaderboards.
- The Community Matches and the Pickups are now listed on the same list, with community matches displaying a map image and with pickups displaying a label.
- The Shaft has new firing sounds
- The Grenade Launcher has new firing sounds and new grenade bounce sound.
- The PnCR has new firing sounds.
- The Crossbow has new firing sounds.
- In TDM, powerups now drop on death.
- In TDM Classic, it is now possible for players to drop their current weapon (as resources are scarce, it can be beneficial to drop a weapon to a nearby teammate that doesn’t have a weapon, or if a teammate has a higher stack or powerup and doesn’t have a good weapon yet). In order to drop a weapon a “Drop weapon” key can be bound in Settings-Controls-Gameplay-Weapons section.
- Fixed issue where the maps list overflowed on aspect ratios different than 16:9.
- Fixed issue where map names were not shown on the in-game scoreboard.
- Fixed issue where temporary names were not shown for map names pending review.
- Fixed issue where map names were not shown on the game report. -The Shop has been updated.