about 3 years
ago -
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Update #1
- The aspect ratio setting in the HUD Editor now saves properly (recent unreported change)
Visual changes
- The commonly used doorframe prop ind_doorframe which can be many different colors, has been changed from being well worn, with paint scratches, to a clean/mint condition look (recent unreported change)
Update #2
- There is a new Menu header
- The Avatars and health bars at the top have been fixed
- The Tab scoreboard has been fixed
- There is a new ready indicator style with a little red or green box on the bottom right corner of the Avatars
- When playing a match with 1 player on each team (1v1) there is now a different Ally and Enemy score appearance relative to matches with multiple people on 1 team
- Shortened enemy footstep sounds slightly
- The out of ammo sound has been changed to be uniform to every weapon (not low ammo sound for fire yet though, we will most likely do something uniform for every weapon when it comes to low ammo when firing á la quake champions)
- Simplified audio for Weeble pickups
Visual changes
- The leaves of the bamboo props are now less busy
- The issue in Wipeout where you if you died while firing a weapon, you would spawn automatically firing, has been fixed
- The issue in Wipeout where you had to repress a movement key after respawning instead of being able to hold one, has been fixed
- In Wipeout it is no longer possible to spectate the enemy players after you die and you can spectate all of your teammates
- temple_omar has been updated
Update #3
- The Implosion Weeble’s icon in the Frag Feed has been fixed
- The HUD editor has been fixed to delete elements correctly
- The Heal Weeble’s area of effect visuals have been fixed to no longer be visible through walls - currently using a placeholder visual effect
- The Eggbots are currently going through each other when both parties are moving towards each other- this is part of a collision experiment to prevent eggbots from getting stuck on each other
- Note that at the moment lifts are unusable and it’s possible to clip inside blocks and move within them due to the change above
- temple_omar has been updated