about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link

Also on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diabotical/comments/j8wmtj/patch_notes_version_020373_october_10_2020/


  • Fixed an issue where hitting a slanted surface would push you down to the ground at disproportionate speeds.


  • Fixed spectating mode showing the wrong weapon being held, and the HUD showing the wrong player’s information when switching players to follow with the player number binds.
  • In the minimap the player pins of each team are now have their team colors.
  • In the minimap the currently spectated player’s pin now has a white dot to indicate whose point of view is being shown.


  • Fixed some micro-stutters related to audio playback - thank you to Aeson.


  • Fixed issue causing some explosion and impact sounds to not be correctly spatialized sometimes.