about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The volume of some 3d sounds has been increased while the volume of some 2d sounds has been decreased
Visual changes
- In CTF when you throw a Weeble you see the Eggbot arm throwing it like in Instagib
- The Dodge cooldown has been increased from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds
- The hit radius of the Shaft has increased from 0 to 0.5 (you can think of it as the thickness of the damage beam)
- In CTF the Weeble is now thrown instantly when clicking the Use key like in Instagib (you don’t switch away to the Weeble, you keep holding your current weapon)
- In CTF the cooldown for receiving a Weeble after using one has changed from all Weebles being 60 seconds to: Knockback 45s, Implosion 45s, Explosion 45s, Slow Field 60s, Smoke 30
- ctf_waterworks_wip now has a waterfall behind the base (work in progress cliff model)
- In ctf_cathedral_wip the incorrect spawns have been fixed an Weebles have been added
- In ctf_dojo_wip the Healing Weeble has been replaced by Knockback Weeble, the Weebles have been moved closer to the pillar, and the spawns in the middle have been angled towards the enemy base
- df_p0_01 has been updated with some changes to the final area
- Restored crash reporting functionality that hadn’t been working for a few days