about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The tide bar no longer flashes in the menu after you launch Diabotical
- The Play menu has been redesigned
- The “following text” when spectating has been lowered to not overlap with the respawn text
Visual changes
- The flickering textures have been fixed - maps like dt_gd_01, dt_pr_01, duel_pr_03, duel_pr_04 were affected, playing them should be a more pleasant experience now
- The rocket flame particles have been updated, they are now a bright yellow color so that the rockets are clearer to see during fights
- The Diabotical powerup (commonly referred to as Double Damage) gave the person that grabbed it a yellow effect over their Eggbot’s legs, arms and weapon, this effect is now also visible over the shell (main body)
- There is a new powerup called Megashield which currently gives you 3x damage reduction for 30 seconds. The player that grabs it has a blue effect over their eggbot and when the player dies the Megashield is not dropped for other players to pick up. This powerup is available in some Brawl maps - note that there are currently no announcements about it, the powerup is spawning when the match starts and when someone also has the Diabotical the Megashield’s effect isn’t visible. Changes to this powerup will come soon
- dt_prb_01 has been updated with the Megashield powerup and some changes to the Megahealth area
- dt_prb_02 has been updated with the Megashield powerup
- b_wellspring (formerly called br_wellspring, Brawl version of wo_prb_02) has been updated with the Megashield powerup
- b_refinery has been added, it includes the Megashield powerup (Brawl version of wo_prb_01)
- wo_prb_01 has been updated with some collision changes
- The Megashield entity can now be added on maps, for now you can do so by hovering over a block and typing /add megashield
- Some monitors props have been added, search for “city_monitor” or “city_m” in the editpad