about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The default win condition of Instagib Duel changed from highest score at the Time Limit of 5 minutes to highest score at the Time Limit of 4 minutes and first to 25 frags (whichever is reached first)
- Instagib Duel’s overtime has been reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute
- It’s now possible to join Warmup as a party - when the party leader clicks the “Party Join”button all party members will join the same server, party members can still join warmup by themselves whenever they wish but will be brought along to a server with the rest of the party if the party leader clicks “Party Join”, the party leader can play Warmup without bringing party members by clicking the “Join” button instead
- Some ranked matchmaking balance fixes (more will be coming soon)
- Fixed a crash happening sometimes when switching enemy colors
- Fixed a crash happening sometimes when using the editpad interface in the map editor, thanks to xzi and ABunchOfGrapes for the detailed crash reports
- Fixed a hang happening when setting colors with the editpad
Visual changes
- The Melee Shield is now visible in third person (this shield has no gameplay effects)
- Updated translations
- Party leaders now see a Party Join and a Join button in the Warmup Quick Play Card