about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- In the menu the Eggbot is now standing on the platform correctly
- Not being able to click the settings and quit button while in the Customize menu has been fixed
- Issue in Custom Game where you sometimes didn’t get moved to spectator when your slot got removed has been fixed
- In Combat settings, the “Toggable zoom” text has been changed to “Toggle zoom”
- Some translation updates
- The colors of the weapons in the Weapons list have been corrected
- The Powerbar icons are now 33% more transparent (recent unreported change)
- There’s now a pop in effect on the weapons list when you pick up a weapon
- There’s a new Grenade Launcher icon - it now matches the shape of the new projectile, which is spherical instead of cylindrical
- The Implosive, Slowfield and Explosive Weebles have unique pickup sounds (recent unreported changed)
Visual changes
- Some graffiti decals that stopped being displayed are back
- When idle and when firing, the Weapon in third person is now pointing towards the correct direction (towards where that player is aiming at)
- There’s a new melee swinging animation in 3rd person
- The props/city_plaza_text is no longer emissive to avoid the aliasing
- The collision of the notorious props/industry/ind_straight_plates/straight_plates_01_red, blue, green, nocolor, yellow (bent metal plate present in ca_gz_01 and duel_pr_03 for example) has been fixed
- There is now a new setting related to the splash hemisphere damage reduction splash_hemisphere_offset_damage_multiplier which is set to 0.25 (25% reduction) - this is about the damage that goes around the corners of objects
- The Eggbots are now floating higher up
- There is now a gap between the hitbox of the Eggbot and the floor that they’re standing on
- The Minigun’s damage has increased - damage changed from 6 to 10
- Versions of ca_gz_01 and ca_prb_01 with more art are available -
/edit ca_gz_01_erad_wip2
and/edit ca_prb_01_omar_01
to see them - A map called “example” showcases various entities and things that are possible to include in maps, type
/edit example
to check it out
- Some more prop thumbnails have been added