about 3 years
ago -
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Masterserver and matches
- Fixed the issue where the “No datacenters have been selected” error message would show up when queuing right after starting Diabotical while datacenters were already selected.
- Passworded public matches now show up at the bottom of the match list, above ongoing pickup matches.
- Pickups with skill restrictions that don’t match your current skill rating no longer appear on your list.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent server-side replays from being played.
- In the Quickplay list, 5v5 CTF Hook Instagib has been replaced by 5v5 Brawl.
- General performance improvements in multithreaded input mode.
- Fixed a micro-stutter that could happen rarely when shooting.
Visual changes
- Fixed a screen flicker that could happen rarely when the player is pushing against an obstacle.
- Collision fixes to Barrows Gate, Bioplant, Frozen Decay, Roosh. Thank you to Kozz-, sohm, Jagriff and mysticaly for the reports.
- Removed the opening and closing platform above the jumppad in front of the PnCR pickup in Raya.
- The Merge feature is now able to import block materials from a map instead of only blocks and entities.