over 2 years
ago -
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Maps - The Ranked Wipeout map pool has changed from [Arcol, Furnace, Habibi, Toya Fortress, Wellspring], Ancient, Morpheus, Prod, Sunken, to [Arcol, Furnace, Habibi, Toya Fortress, Wellspring], Caliburn, Forty Two, Melting Point, Neon Soul. - Added Grenade Launcher to Bioplant, Raya, Skybreak (with the Mega room Rocket Launcher moving to the Smoke Weeball’s position and the Smoke Weeball moving to a new position). - Added Grenade Launcher to the Brawl versions of Alchemy, Crystal Cove, Furnace, Hurt Locker, Marina, Oxide, Refinery, Starport, Wellspring. - Collision fixes to Cathedra, Dynamo (released in a minor update) and Pavilion X.
- Fixed a long freeze when clicking the leave match button while having client-replay recording enabled (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed an issue preventing self-damage in duel (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed the Grenade Launcher pickup not respawning after being picked up once (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed an issue causing multiple players to sometimes spawn in the same spawn (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed an issue causing players and Aim trainer/Survival bots to sometimes spawn in bot-exclusive spawn points.
- Fixed a UI issue preventing the Battlepass from being redeemed (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed the missing party leader’s icon not being displayed (released in an earlier minor update). Visual changes
- Fixed large stickers incorrectly bleeding on the shells of nearby players (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed an issue causing weapon models of other players to not match the actual vertical angle that they are looking towards.
- Fixed ‘trigger_trigger’ and ‘trigger_trigger_individual’ not working (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed having to reselect entities that were added through the console before being able to fully interact with them (released in an earlier minor update).
- Fixed having to reselect entities that were selected through the console before being able to fully interact with them.
- Fixed double clicking an Editpad field not selecting the value (released in an earlier minor update).
- Added logic action ‘reset_movers_individual’.
- Fixed block volumes not being possible to create after selecting a block or entity.
- In the Editpad’s settings tab, Orientation mode can be set to 1 (World space, default) where props are moved depending on the direction you’re facing, 0 (Local space) where props are moved along their current angle/rotation, or 2 (Custom space) where props are moved along the rotation of another prop (alignment prop) at that moment which can be defined by selecting it and using the command /editor_alignment_entity, and undefined by selecting a block and entering that command again (if the rotation of the alignment prop changes, the orientation will remain the same as before unless that prop is selected again and is defined as the alignment prop again with by using the command /editor_alignment_entity).