about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link


  • In the Custom Game menu there are now options for score limit 1 and 2 - at the moment if you wish to play Brawl I recommend selecting the score limit 1 option because at the moment the score limit is determining the number of rounds played. At the moment there isn’t an option to set a Brawl frag limit
  • If you play a Custom Game with the Instagib setting turned on for now your next matches will be forced Instagib regardless of the setting. To solve this you will have to restart the game in order to launch a regular Custom Game. This will be fixed soon


  • When you grab a Powerup its type and its current cooldown is now indicated in the Dashboard with some placeholder icons at the moment (when a Powerup is dropped and you pick it up, its cooldown will start from when it was left off)
  • The Press KEY To Respawn message has been changed to Press Attack to Respawn

Visual changes

  • The appearance of the Blue, Yellow and Red Armors has changed
  • The height reached/amount of damage numbers visible has been limited (recent unreported change)
  • When you heal a teammate with the Siphonator you will see green healing numbers (recent unreported change)


  • It is now possible to respawn by pressing your Attack key (it is still possible to use and set a respawn key in the Settings->Controls or for some types of commands you can use the same key for both (this only works with some types of commands not including movement related keys), to do so type /bind /multi /respawn; / (replace and )
  • In Instagib you now spawn with an Explosion Weebles which are always visible on your left hand and can be used every 1.5 seconds by pressing your Use key (formerly known as Ability/Weeble key)


  • duel_outpost_dunia_wip has been added, this is a work in progress map which already has some changes to the layout of the map and a new art theme