about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link


  • Custom lobby’s “Standard” physics is now renamed to “Default” (recent unreported change)
  • Fixed issue where you could move your cursor during the the play of the game
  • The leave match button is back


  • The powerups now have the correct color in the dashboard
  • The dashboard now supports carrying both the flag and a powerup, it creates an extra indicator on the right
  • The Dodge/Bolt’s charge indicator is now hidden in physics modes that don’t have a charge recovery method
  • The HUD now displays if the flag is at the base (team colored flag under the team score), if the flag is being carried by an enemy (red X under the team score and a team colored flag icon under the enemy player carrying the flag), and if the flag has been dropped (white question mark under the team score)
  • The scoreboard is currently broken but will be fixed in the next update


  • Fixed lead lost or lead taken messages not updated on CTF until a frag occurs
  • New capture sound for the player that captures the flag

Visual changes

  • Fixed props with masks not having colors in certain circumstances
  • Fixed the Shaft’s 1st and 3rd person beam color when shot away from the origin
  • Animated props are now visible again
  • The carried flag no longer has the player model glow
  • The indicator over the dropped flag is now higher
  • Indicators over flags, bases and powerups now start fading when the player is 10 blocks away from the entity and disappear at 4 blocks way
  • Fixed issue with weapons being stuck not animating in first person that appeared briefly in a nightly update
  • The weapon formerly known as Blaster which upgraded into Void Cannon is now called Blasta and can upgrade to Supa Blasta (weaponsb) and Masta Blasta (weaponmb), all 3 stages use the same model but the model transforms into a different state when it’s upgraded - note that some animations still need to be adjusted and the ammo is still called ammovc
  • The Blastas now have the side and back screens attached, they are blue for the Blasta, purple for the upgraded versions
  • Fixed an issue with the flag switching between team colors while being carried or while dropped


  • The weapon formerly known as Blaster which is now called Blasta does the same damage as before, 12, the Supa Blasta does 16 damage, and the Masta Blasta does 20 damage the same as the weapon that was called Void Cannon
  • For the moment when a player dies with the Masta Blasta they only drop Blasta ammo
  • Added “Freestyle” custom physics which is a fusion of movement elements from Painkiller and Quake 4, with speed gain centered around crouchslide-bolt harvest combos See demonstration here: https://streamable.com/zqckq A sample Time Trials run: https://streamable.com/i9z8f
  • Added “Classic” custom physics which is Default physics but without Dodge Instead it’s replaced by Inertial Bolt with KERS cost of 204800u²/s² (recharged by about two max-speed circlejumps or three quick circleflicks) and passive recharge of 11.11%/sec See demonstration here: https://streamable.com/uitlo


  • ctf_dojo_wip’s visuals and collision have been updated
  • duel maps that previously had the Void Cannon pickup now have the Supa Blasta, other maps that had the Void Cannon now have the Masta Blasta


  • The annoying “Press F3 to Ready Up.” message has been removed
  • Thumbnails have been added for some textures
  • To add the Supa Blasta you can search for it in editpad or type /add weaponsb, to add the Masta Blasta you can search for it in editpad or type /add weaponmb


  • Added KERS mechanic, which lets you recharge Bolt/Dodge cooldown by harvesting your momentum with well-executed circlejumps or circleflicks To enable KERS, set a nonzero /phy_bolt_cooldown_recovery to specify recharge cost. Recommended value is 204800 for vq3 friction, 256000 for qw friction The bar in Dashboard fills up to indicate the recharge progress, harvested amount is dictated by the effectiveness of your circlejump/circleflicks and the current velocity
  • Added Inertial Bolt (/phy_bolt_type 2), similar to Dodge but allows seamless transition to strafejump (whereas Dodge’s total-redirection can be jarring), and enables a “circlebolt” technique exclusively controlled by your momentum-manipulation. Inertial bolt boosts in direction of your current momentum by a fixed amount of kinetic energy (less speed is gained the faster you are currently)
  • The camera-relative configurations of Dodge (non-positive values of phy_bolt_pitch) now correctly ignores your keypress direction and depend exclusively on camera direction (recent unreported change)