about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The thumbnails of the Arena maps have been updated
- There is a new Default HUD if you click the Reset HUD button
- Switching away from the HUD editor and back to it from other menus no longer prevents you from dragging HUD elements properly
- The Score (Simple) HUD element now has a default width and height
- The Weapons list now has a ammo text padding option
- The name of the score type in the Score (Simple)’s options has been fixed
- The respawn timer’s position has been fixed
- There is now a Player Name HUD element
- There is now a sound that plays when a weapon is dropped to announce it to nearby players (recent unreported change)
- When spectating a player their sounds are now all self sounds and the enemy players’ sounds are all enemy sounds
Visual changes
- The scale of the Crossbow in third person has been slightly increased and its position adjusted
- In Arena the Super Shotgun ammo has been reduced from 100 to 50, and the Grenade Launcher ammo from 50 to 10
- In Arena the Weapon 9, Implosion Weeble and Minigun have been removed
- In Arena the Machinegun was added
- wo_prb_04_wip has been updated (promEUs streamed his work https://www.twitch.tv/videos/507482590)
- duel_facility_wip has received some art adjustments and now also has weebles in similar positions as duel_facility
- Some fixes to a_barrows_gate, tdm_alchemy and ctf_cathedral_wip which had been affected by model and texture changes
- The position of the eggbots in the player showcase before the POTG has been readjusted on the Arena maps
- medina has been added
- Some new medieval and medina props have been added