about 3 years
ago -
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- Fixed issue with the bouncing impulse of Grenade Launcher grenades being incorrectly calculated and resulting in unexpected bounces in vertical situations.
- Fixed issue causing weapon fire to sometimes go through steep terrain.
- Performance optimizations related to the audio system.
Masterserver and matches
- Tweaked the inactivity detection so that players who don’t move but look around are not flagged as inactive.
- Moved the warning message issued when a user is about to get kicked due to inactivity to the middle of the screen and added a countdown.
- “Alchemy WIP”, has been added to the Custom Game’s Extinction map list, this is a modified version of Alchemy that is available for testing in this mode.
- Updated translations.
- Some new avatars from the Twitch drops avatar campaign have been added for streamers and their viewers.