about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- In Quick Play Wipeout has changed from 5v5 to 4v4
- In Ranked the Team Card now has the 3v3 Circuit mode which allow for solo and team queueing
- In Ranked the Team Card no longer has 4v4 MacGuffin
- In Ranked the Solo Card has been renamed to Duel
- Updated translations
- Fixed a bug in server-side netcode causing the first player in a multiple-hit penetrating PnCR shot to receive all the damage
- Fixed a bug in server-side netcode causing team-mates to incorrectly block penetrating PnCR shots
- Tentative fix for a crash in the UI engine used in the menu screens happening sometimes when leaving a game, starting a game, or switching to the menu - thanks to Coherent (makers of the Gameface UI engine)
Visual changes
- The Vanguard’s powerup effect is blue now
- Tweaked the Extinction ghost highlight effect to make it more recognizable
- The Extinction ghost effect flame develops faster so it can be more easily recognizable upon first encounter
- It’s now possible to ping after death while there’s still camera control (in modes where you switch to spectating teammates pinging is only disabled when you start spectating)