about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- Fixed an issue where a system condition preventing the game from pinging our data center locations results in a hang up on the UI when starting the game. Thanks to Duj2 for sending logs. If this condition arises the user will now be prompted to select some data center locations
- By default Public Custom Games remain with auto-balance enabled while now Private Custom Games have auto-balance disabled
- Tentative fix for weapon specific daily challenges and achievements not progressing correctly
- The Learn menu’s MacGuffin mode page now includes the information that players spawn with 25 armor when their team is losing within a round and is attacking (the enemy team has the MacGuffin in their base)
- Fixed some missing names for avatars
- The Time Trials versions of CTF and Gold Rush maps now contain the prefix ctf and gr in the Time Trials map list to separate them from other Time Trials maps
Masterserver and matches
- Fixed long map loading causing the Masterserver to timeout users resulting in unbalanced teams - thank you to Seekay for providing us with some match ids of the issue and checking his load times to help us isolate the issue and thank you to everyone who reported it, please report the problem again if you see a team with more players than what is allowed after this patch
- Fixed an issue preventing hit detection at close ranges of hitscan weapons (most notably melee)
- New map! Zen has been added to the list of Time Trials maps in Custom Games (use team count=1 in order to be able to play Time Trials)
- Frostrun, RWC and Foundry have been updated with various fixes
- Enclosure now has a minimap