about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- Some more adjustments to the game mode cards in the Play menu
- The Custom Game screen’s main options and player slots are now synced between all players
- The Custom Game menu players can’t change the options on their end now
- When you accept an invite you are now being taken to the Custom Game screen again like in the past
- The Customize menu’s search has been fixed
- In the Customize menu, the issue where you would be prevented from customizing decals if you clicked on the audio tab and then on the decals tab has been fixed
- In the Customize menu, the old weapons customization bar no longer flashes when you click the decals tab
Visual changes
- The Diabotical powerup has an extra light on it to make the faces more visible
- In Brawl the powerups now spawn at 1 minute and then every 2 minutes after that
- In Brawl there is now a Haste powerup, which gives you movement speed, and a Survival Pack powerup which gives you HP when you damage someone (half of the damage value as HP). After the first powerups spawn, powerups are meant to spawn every 2 minutes but which powerup spawns is meant to be random between the 4.
- There have been some performance improvements for situations when you load multiple different maps during the same session
- omar_fish_02 has been added which is a version of b_underbelly where industrial props have been replaced by props from the Japanese theme
- For now to add the Haste powerup, type /add haste, to add the Survival Pack, type /add survival_pack