about 3 years
ago -
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- Introduced Knockout frags. When a player dies from environmental damage, the player who caused the most knockback to the dead player in the last 8 seconds before the death is awarded the Knockout frag.
Masterserver and matches
- Improved the player inactivity detection system.
- The player inactivity kick time in queue matches has been reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.
- There is now a warning issued to inactive players 30 seconds before being disconnected.
- There is now a message that warns players when another player in the match has been kicked due to inactivity.
- The lag indicator now displays your current ping.
- Stopped the lag indicator from appearing in the game report.
- Fixed an instance where the message “Press attack to respawn” was shown for spectators.
- The Gameplay, Zoom, and Damage Numbers sections of Settings-More Settings have been moved to Settings-Weapons-General.