about 3 years
ago -
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- The you lost the flag message no longer appears when you drop the flag (will be updated in the future with another message)
- The Crosshair transparency has been fixed (if your crosshair is invisible you will need to adjust its color)
- All weapons now have the same low ammo sounds - this is to free up space so that some different pain sounds can be tested and not sound confusing
- The Crossbow’s firing sound has been tweaked
- The Crossbow now has a low ammo sound
- The Super Shotgun’s sounds have been tweaked - still work in progress
- Loop sounds are now occluded
- The jumppads activation sound now has the same vertical and horizontal range
- Added Dodge input queueing - by default you can press it just before hitting the ground in order to queue it, but at the moment it’s possible to change this behavior through the console, you can change
(which determines how long after being pressed it remains active) and/phy_bolt_post_deactivation_window
, (which determines how long after being released it remains active) if you want to be able to hold like with jump you can use/phy_bolt_pre_activation_window 9999
and/phy_bolt_post_deactivation_window 0
- Brawl is no longer based on rounds
- Brawl’s standard time limit is now 10 minutes
- In Brawl health drops on death were removed except for the ones from the powerups
- The Siphonator’s lifesteal and heal have been decreased from 100% to 50%
- duel_bioplant_wip’s collision has been updated
- Some thumbnails for medieval props have been added