about 3 years
ago -
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- The Weapon9, Minigun, Laserpen, Flak Gun (previously in the WMD category) and the Healing Weeble (previously in the Weeble category), are now Super Weapons, together with the Crossbow which remains a Super Weapon
- The Machinegun and the Grenade Launcher are now Standard weapons
- The Weebles with the exception of the Healing Weeble are bound to the “Ability/Weeble” bind in the Controls
- In Controls the Weeble and WMD keybinds have been taken out and the Machinegun and Grenade Launcher keybinds have been added
- Because of the above changes your previous Super Weapon bind changed to Machinegun, the WMD bind changed to Grenade Launcher, the Weeble bind changed to Super Weapon - check if you are ok with these binds and if not, change them to more comfortable ones
- The elements in the HUD editor now all include 2 new buttons in the Type row of each element. The Clone button allows you to clone the element that you currently have selected which creates a new element of the same type and with the same properties. The Surface button allows you to place the currently selected element on top of other elements if that isn’t already the case - to revert this you will have to select the other element(s) and click the surface button on them
- The Weapons list now only has 2 separate categories Standard and Super Weapons, the Weapons list’s Display option in the HUD editor includes the option to show only Standard, only Super or All weapons (All by default) - in edit mode and in maps with Weebles you will still be able to access the Weebles with previous weapon, next weapon or weapon_specific binds but you will not see them in the HUD
- The Explosion Weeble’s icon is now showing up in the current weapon HUD element
- The Dashboard’s Weeble indicator now has the ability keybind indicator below the number of weebles that you currently have
- The Dashboard’s Weeble indicator now has a background that fills up to indicate when you will receive your next Weeble (cooldown)
- The Dashboard’s Weeble indicator has a blue border when you have at least 1 Weeble available and no border when you don’t have any Weebles
- The Implosion Weeble now has has 2 implosion instances separated by 1 second - there’s an implosion on contact which pulls players and does damage and then 1 second later there’s a second implosion in the same spot which does the same thing
- The Slowfield Weeble’s radius has increased from 200 units to 220
- The Slowfield Weeble’s duration has increased from 4 seconds to 5
- The Slowfield Weeble now slows down everyone, not just enemies
- In Wipeout you spawn in the first round with a Healing Weeble (Super Weapon) and with one of the 4 other Weebles (Ability/Weeble). There members of the same team get some different Weebles than each other. Then in the next round you will get a different Weeble following this order: Smoke→Implosion→Slowfield→Explosion→loops back to the start (this means that a player can spawn with Smoke in the first round and they will get Implosion in the next round and another player can spawn with Slowfield in the first round and they will get Explosion in the next round)
- Like you previously did, you get a Weeble every 60 seconds after you’ve spawned and you can now see when that will be through the Dashboard’s Weeble cooldown indicator
- wo_prb_01 has been updated, there’s some more floorspace on the outside area in the corner between the broken pipe and the teleporter that leads to the broken pipe; that teleporter has been moved to a new level that has been added at the top of the lava pit, below the existing vertical jumppad; the previous location of that teleporter now has vertical jumppad; the lava pit teleporter’s exit jumppad is now attached to a zeppelin
omar_city_04 has been updated
- A new ticket machine prop has been added, search for “ticketmachine” or “e/ti”, it includes a color property that allows you to change the color of the border which is blue by default