about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- In Settings-More settings there is now an option to disable damage numbers completely and to disable damage numbers on weapons that have stable damage
- The Join button is now hidden in the Match menu if it’s not possible to switch teams according to the match’s settings
- Muting players (in the Match menu accessible by pressing Escape while in a match ) will now mute their chat messages too
Masterserver and matches
- Tentative fix for an issue that allows players to join an already full team
- Fixed micro-stutter that could happen when shooting while having low ammo -thanks again to netborg
- Warning: we have detected that old versions of Razer mouse drivers can result in stutters, please update your Razer drivers
- Fixed crash in the anti-cheat causing games to be interrupted
Visual changes
- Fixed Resolution scale above 100% disabling damage numbers
0.20.343b - Fixed the damage numbers option not working - Fixed the damage numbers’ size being larger than intended