about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- There is now an overlay over the avatar of party members and a message on avatar mouseover, which indicate when a party member is currently in a game
- In Competitive, Arena Duel has been renamed to Arena 1v1 and Classic Duel has been renamed to Duel 1v1
- The Custom Game now has a visibility option for Private and future Public games, including a lobby name and password field
- duel_pr_07_wip and duel_mindflayer have been added to the Custom Game duel map list
- Some pixel scaling issues have been fixed
- Fixed issue that allowed players to invade games
- Accent Boxes have new background color options
- Ally and Enemy Score HUD elements have new color options
- Powerup and Item HUD elements have new color options
- Powerup and Item HUD elements have a new styling option
- Accent Boxes, Element Groups, HP, Armor now have an experimental option to style the CSS when you click the Advanced button in their properties
- Montserrat has been added as a font option
- The minimum width of elements can now be 0.1 instead of 1
- On the Pickup Notice when you grab ammo the borders around the icon have been removed
- The Weapons list’s keybinds (when the option is selected) now look more like the Item and Dodge keybinds (when their keybind option is selected)
- Fixed the Current Weapon HUD element’s custom color
- The Dodge ready sound has been disabled for now
- There’s a new alternate option for PnCR firing sounds at the bottom of Settings-Mods
- The Smoke Weeble’s smoke radius has increased by 30%
- wo_prb_04_wip has been updated
- duel_pr_07_wip was added which has some different geometry and item placement relative to duel_pr_07
- duel_facility_wip has been updated
- ctf_waterworks_wip_col has been added (ctf_waterworks_wip with updated collision)
- duel_mindflayer has been added
- duel_outpost_dunia’s collision has been updated
- duel_gx_01 now has invisible ceilings over the open areas
- Fixed material swapping issue that broke some props
- Thumbnails for some medieval and production props have been added