about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- Work on the transition to Coherent Gameface continues
- Fixed performance issue when loading maps through command line arguments
- Fixed issue causing occasional lag in certain non-European datacenters
- When you have the flag there is now an icon on the dashboard HUD element displaying that you have the flag along with your keybind to drop the flag below that icon
- Fixed the flag icon not disappearing after capturing which happened in an update shortly before this
- Fixed the flag icon not disappearing immediately after dropping the flag which happened in an update shortly before this
Visual changes
- CTF base indicators are also shown after the flag is taken but they are darker, semi-transparent and with a placeholder (?) indication
- Label indicators (like the CTF base indicators) now have a minimum font size for readability across long distances
- It’s now possible to drop the flag in CTF with the Use keybind (the key is displayed under the flag icon on the dashboard)
- Fixed issue potentially leading to flag duplication when dropping flag which happened in an update shortly before this
- The Dodge cooldown has been reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds
- With Vintage physics if your speed while in the air is lower than 160ups, you can now hold crouch to increase your speed up to 160ups, this can allow you escape from vertical or near vertical jumppads more easily by just holding crouch and a direction key
- wo_prb_04 has been updated
- The old version of duel_outpost_dunia has been replaced by the version with new art and layout changes that was known as duel_outpost_dunia_wip and which has now received more collision updates
- The old version of duel_frontier has been replaced by the version with new art and layout changes that was known as duel_outpost_dunia_wip and which has now received some more art additions and collision updates
- duel_facility_wip has been updated with more art including some recently added medieval theme props
- duel_bioplant_wip has been updated with more art, this map was made a while ago and it has become overgrown with vegetation
- More medieval props have been added (recent unreported change)
’s texture is now working correctly - Thumbnails were added for some medieval props introduced recently
- A negative value of
(variable that sets the pitch of Dodge) will specify pitch values for bolt direction that are relative to camera as opposed to absolute