about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- There is now an indicator under the avatars for when a player is carrying the flag
- The frag feed is displaying the weapon icons correctly again
Visual changes
- The Machinegun’s ammo model has been updated - note that the pickup is not giving you ammo yet (recent unreported change)
- The Grenade Launcher’s ammo model has been updated - note that the pickup is not giving you ammo yet (recent unreported change)
- The med_closed_door_01 prop’s invisible texture on the side of the bar has been fixed
- duel_frontier_wip a version of duel_frontier with the Japanese theme has been added
- df_p0_03 has been added
- ctf_dojo has been updated
- a_bazaar has been updated with some art
- tdm_alchemy’s collision has been updated
- It’s now possible to add ambient sounds in a more simple way by searching for “sound” in the editpad (there are 20 sounds at the moment), then add one of those props, which will look like a small sphere, and place it where you wish the sound’s origin to be, this sphere prop will not be visible or collidable by default but you can see it when you have the editpad out in edit mode