about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The Void Cannon activator beam now doesn’t penetrate beyond the first void projectile that is hit.
- The speed of the Void Cannon ball has been increased from 600ups to 700ups.
- Fixed an issue that caused Grenades and Shotgun Secondary fire to sometimes deal more damage and knockback than intended.
Masterserver and matches
- Tentative fix to an issue resulting in match slots being occupied by players and/or player duplicates who aren’t playing.
- Collision fixes to Kasbah.
- Collision fix to Qunai Peaks and fixed parts of the background not being visible.
- Fixed missing thumbnails for the CTF versions of Cliffside Canyons, Qunai Peaks, Titans Crossing.
- Fixed the Void Cannon’s Frostbite skin not being usable (released yesterday).
- Updated Spanish from Spain, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian translations.