about 3 years
ago -
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Masterserver and matches
- When a match finishes the Game report screen now displays the map vote tab instead of the scoreboard.
- Added a new option under More settings to pick which game report tab is opened when a match ends: map vote (default), scoreboard, statistics.
- After an unranked match finishes the new match will start immediately after everyone still on the server has voted instead of waiting for the countdown to finish.
- After a Ranked match finishes, the rematch will now start immediately after all players have voted for a map (the map vote option becomes available after a player has pressed the rematch button).
- The Game report map voting tab and custom lobbies now support up to 9 maps.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players join custom matches while being connected to a ranked match without manually leaving their match first.
- Fixed a timing issue that could result in players being pulled from one match into another when not intended.
- The accuracy of the player respawn timers has been improved and are now also showing 1 decimal place when less than 3 seconds are remaining.
- Fixed an issue with the Vote HUD element showing incorrect Vote No counts.
- It’s now possible to disable pings in the Time Trials mode by enabling the disable pings setting in Settings-More settings-Waypoints.
- It’s now possible to control the volume of pings in the Audio settings.
- Collision fixes to Sunken’s Wipeout version. Thank you to M4RCiiBOY for the report.