about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- New map! Tropic
- Coins dropped by bots now stay available for 30 seconds instead of 7 seconds.
- Fixed the weeball selection indicators in the warmup shop not being updated correctly between matches.
Visual changes
- There is now an option to make weapons invisible in Settings-Weapons-Weapon display-Hidden.
- Slightly tweaked the materials of most weapons (released in the previous patch but unannounced)
- Fixed the position of the Hot Katana melee weapon skin in 3rd person.
- Fixed a hiccup happening when someone joins an ongoing game (ameliorated yesterday in a hotfix, fixed further in this patch).
- Fixed the hiccups that happened in between browsing different cosmetics in the locker.
- Various fixes to unintentional audio changes (published the day before yesterday but unannounced).