about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link

On the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diabotical/comments/i1vvci/the_24h_stress_test_2_is_starting_patch_notes/

Masterserver and matches

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to reconnect to a ranked match
  • Reenabled the penalty for abandoning Competitive team matches now that the reconnection issue was fixed
  • Fixed a matchmaking issue in the 3v3 competitive queue which caused imbalanced matches


  • The menu buttons on the top right of the main menu have been increased in size so that they are noticed more
  • The Learn menu button now has the form of text instead of an icon so that it’s more noticeable
  • In the Play menu the appearance of the Quick Play, Competitive and Custom Game tab buttons has changed, along with the mode selection “Play Cards”
  • In Quick Play, Brawl Instagib FFA has been replaced by Brawl Instagib 3v3v3 (the mode’s rules remain the same but now there are 3 teams of 3 players instead of 8 individual players)
  • In Quick Play, Wee-Bow Instagib 5v5 has been replaced by Wee-Bow Instagib 3v3v3 (the mode’s rules remain the same but now there are 3 teams of 3 players instead of 2 teams of 5 players, coins dropped by your team will look silver while coins dropped by both of the enemy teams will look gold)
  • In Quick Play, Brawl FFA has been removed, we will be testing Quick Play modes all with the 3v3v3 configuration with the exception of Wipeout which remains 5v5 - note that there is still Brawl 3v3v3 and there is a Brawl FFA with all weapons mode called “Warmup” (different from the warmup state at the beginning of all modes), which can be accessed by clicking the Join Warmup button next to the Join Game/Find Match button
  • In Competitive, Arena has been renamed to Aim Arena
  • In Competitive, the Aim Arena card now features two more ranked modes: Rocket Arena 1v1 and Shaft Arena 1v1 - it’s time for rocket scientists and Super Saiyans to fly as high as they can up the leaderboards
  • In Competitive, the 3v3 Circuit card has been renamed to Solo Queue, players can only queue alone, due to this change, players who were at above 1900 skill rating have been reset to 1900sr
  • In Competitive, the 3v3 Circuit queue option has been renamed to 3v3 Pickup
  • In Competitive, the 3v3 Pickup option no longer has Wipeout and instead has a new mode called Extinction
  • In Customize, the stickers now display names when hovering over them
  • Fixed the missing thumbnail for the Rainbow Clouds sticker
  • In Customize, the “Weapons” tab has been unlocked, for this stress test period besides the default look of the weapons, you will be able to select between 2 different skins for each weapon, one from the Maze set and one from the Forest set, if you are in a match, customization changes will take effect after the next map load - note that like other customization options, access to these is currently being given to all players since the customization is a fun part of the game for many people, and there aren’t ways to earn or purchase customization items at the moment. In the open beta the number of customization items available to everyone by default will be greatly reduced and it will be possible to earn customization items by completing achievements, completing battle pass levels and purchasing customization items from the shop. (want to rotate the weapon model in the weapons menu? so do we, that’s a planned feature)
  • The Learn menu now features a Game Modes tab with information about the game modes, including a more detailed descriptions than in the Play menu, information about the weapons your spawn with and your health and armor
  • The Datacenter selection button now displays regions by default, if you wish to select a specific datacenter you still can do so by clicking on the Toggle datacenters button on the top right of that menu
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to queue while not having any datacenters selected
  • In Settings-Controls-Communication there is now a Team Voice Chat control bind (default B)
  • In Settings-Audio there is now a Team Voice Chat volume slider
  • When in a match, pressing Escape will open the main menu which will allow you to go to the Match menu, this menu includes a players tab where players’ voice chat output can be muted
  • A crash that happened due to an interaction between the Epic overlay and IMEs (programs that can convert certain characters into other characters, such as converting Latin keyboard inputs into Japanese characters) has been fixed by Epic - note that Diabotical doesn’t have Unicode support yet
  • Translations have been updated


  • There is now a Voice Chat HUD element which displays when someone on your team is speaking
  • Added an opacity option for the Accent box
  • In Wipeout and the Arena modes the score element now displays only the round score
  • The default HUD has been updated
  • Fixed an issue with the game report not showing players

Visual changes

  • Fixed the bots in Practice having gigantic proportions visually
  • In MacGuffin the MacGuffin is now visible on your left hand when being carried - nice to meet you mister MacGuffin
  • There is now a MacGuffin icon on the teammate that’s currently carrying the MacGuffin


  • The game’s Master volume has doubled to give players more control over the volume
  • Sound mix adjustments
  • Team Voice Chat is being worked right now
  • Announcer voice lines have been added for: when an enemy has the MacGuffin, when an enemy captures the MacGuffin, when you or a teammate has the MacGuffin, when you or a teammate captures the MacGuffin, when the MacGuffin is spawning soon, when the MacGuffin has spawned


  • The Dodge’s cooldown has been decreased from 3.5s to 3s (it had been decreased from 4s to 3.5 during the last stress test)
  • The Dodge’s speed has been increased from 416ups to 445ups (it had been increased from 400ups to 416ups during the last stress test)
  • The Dodge’s speed is now affected by the current movement speed, when standing still the Dodge results in 445ups, when moving at 320ups the Dodge results in 475ups, when moving at 500ups the Dodge results in 492ups, instead of always resulting in 445ups
  • During the last stress test the Dodge changed from being single direction, always sending you forwards in the direction that you are facing to multi directional (8 directions depending on which movement keys you are pressing, forward, left, right, back, forward-left, forward-right, back-left, back-right)
  • The Blaster’s projectiles travel speed has been increased from 2000ups to 2200ups
  • The Rocket Launcher’s splash radius has been increased from 120 units to 125 units
  • The Rocket Launcher’s air knockback on enemies and teammates has been reduced from 110 to 100
  • The Rocket Launcher’s ground knockback on enemies and teammates has been reduced from 80 to 70
  • The Crossbow’s maximum damage has been increased from 80 to 90 damage
  • The Crossbow’s distance at which the maximum damage happens has been increased from 1000units to 1250units
  • In Brawl, picking up a powerup now gives you 25hp and 25armor instead of 50hp and 50armor
  • The Wipeout respawn times have changed from being shared by the team (every teammate death resulting in an additional 5s respawn time for the next teammate to die) to being individual, now your respawn time depends on your own individual deaths during a round and goes from 5s to 20s to 40s to 60s to 80s and remains at 80s from then on
  • We believe that we have fixed the issue that caused a player in Aim Arena to spawn in the incorrect Arena after a round ended, if you see this problem again please report it - note that during warmup it is now intended for the warmup arena to be random instead of always the first arena
  • New game mode! Extinction, this 3v3 game mode which is available in the Competitive 3v3 pickup queue, is a round based mode, played first to 4 rounds won, in the current TDM maps with item pickups. In this mode all players start each round with 3 lives, after one player’s lives run out they will keep respawning but once all players of a team lose their lives they will lose the round. Players that no longer have lives, “ghosts” can be identified by their ghost-like effect and the little skull icon under their avatar. Respawn times in this mode are affected by the difference of lives between the players with most lives on each team, if there’s a difference of 2 lives then the respawn time for the team with the player with most lives will be 9.5 seconds; if there’s a difference of 1 life, then the respawn time for the team with the player with most lives will be 5.5 seconds; the team that doesn’t have a player with as many lives will have 1.5 second respawn times; and when both teams’ life leaders are tied, both teams will have 1.5 second respawn times. Powerups in this mode change each round starting with the Vindicator, followed by Vanguard, Siphonator and then the sequence restarts. The weapons respawn every 5 seconds
  • In Team Deathmatch there is no longer friendly fire
  • In MacGuffin during a round when a team is behind on the number of coins and is attacking the enemy base (the enemy has the MacGuffin in their base), attackers will now spawn with 25 armor instead of 0 (defenders continue to spawn with 0 armor)
  • In MacGuffin the respawn times have changed from 1.5s when you die near the enemy base and 3s when you die near your base, to always 3s


  • Map loading should now be about 15% faster
  • Framerate performance may have improved for some players


-New map! Crystal Cove which was played during the March closed beta is returning to Brawl, Wipeout and Warmup, it has received some significant modifications in order to allow players to more easily move from one side to the other, it is more open and has some new connections between areas -Alchemy which was featured in Team Deathmatch and Warmup has been removed -New map! Oxide is replacing Alchemy in Team Deathmatch, Warmup and will be played in Extinction -Junktion’s textures in the 3rd arena have been fixed -Frontier, Furnace,Marina and Refinery have received collision fixes -Skybreak has received a sound leak fix, some visual fixes and collision fixes -Perilous’ bottom floor textures have been replaced, various collision fixes