about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link


  • The play menu cards have new artwork
  • An html mockup of the Leaderboards menu has been added
  • In the controls there is now an Emote: Taunt and an Emote: Greet bind (these aren’t working yet, except for a console message indicating that it was pressed)
  • Some translations have been added


  • There is now a System Clock HUD element
  • By default the G-Meter now displays speed instead of throttle (both are toggleable options), its colors are dependent on the success of your acceleration
  • The pickup notices now have icons that match the new look of the armors


  • The floaty eggbot sounds have been modified (available in Settings->Mods)

Visual changes

  • The issue with the Super Shotgun and the Blasters that caused their stage to switch when certain animations were played has been fixed
  • There is now a third person animation when weapons are equipped
  • The size of the armors has been increased and the Blue armor is now visible
  • The point where the ocean meets the land is now clearer
  • The ocean’s surface is now visible from beneath (was fully transparent before)
  • The model of the terrain grass no longer picks up ambient occlusion
  • Objects with ambient occlusion behind the terrain grass model no longer cause ambient occlusion artifacts to show up in the front of the grass
  • The terrain’s shader now has more respect for the global lighting’s settings


  • duel_garrison_wip has been updated with new medina theme props, medina textures, lighting changes (collision is not fit for consumption)
  • a_enclosure_wip_04 has been added which has some more work on the third arena of a_enclosure and a change to the fog
  • example has been updated with some new light options


  • It’s possible to set the bevel effect on the edge of all blocks in the map (rounded visual effect on the edge of materials of outer blocks) with /set global bevel 0.5 (0 to 1) and now it’s possible to disable it on specific blocks by selecting them and typing /bset surface_style 31 to disable it (0), /bset surface_style 32 to enable it (1)
  • It’s now possible to set the ambient occlusion on a map in the editpad’s map tab or with /set global ambient_occlusion_radius 0.7 and /set global ambient_occlusion_power 1.55
  • It’s now possible to clip the radius of point lights, spotlights by setting an axis based bounding plane: /forsel set %1 clip true will enable clipping, /forsel set %1 clip_min_x will set the lower limit along that axis, /forsel set %1 clip_max_x will set the higher limit along that axis, Y and Z axis can also be clipped, if the limit for an axis isn’t set then the light will reach the default radius. This can allow you to prevent lights from bleeding through walls and floors that you don’t want them to, for example a chandelier light placed 40 units below the ceiling could reach the ground with its default radius and then could have /forsel set %1 clip_max_y 40 to not go through to the upper floor
  • There are now cubic ambient node lights, available in the properties tab or with /forsel set %1 type cubic_ambient_node
  • It is now possible to deselect currently selected entities (while not deselecting all) by ctrl+clicking the entities you with to deselect
  • After adding an entity it is now automatically selected afterwards
  • After adding an entity, block surfaces and other entities selected will be deselected
  • The properties tab of the editpad is now being refreshed correctly when a selected entity is modified
  • The properties tab now shows the properties of entities selected with /find
  • Entities can be dragged by holding left click (by default) and dragging your mouse, to avoid unintentional movements when selecting entities there is now a time and angle threshold before an entity is moved after you click on them, these are customizable with /editor_drag_min_time 0.2 and /editor_drag_min_angle 3 (those are the default values)
  • ambience_cogs_fast ambient sound has been added
  • Some medieval vines have been added, the grass_01, mdn_dirt_ground texture has been modified, some arch, crate, wooden trim and closed door props have been modified
  • Waterfall, small rubble, butterfly, most flowers, most grass, leaves and twigs, mushroom, table cloth, jumppad effect, teleporter effect, teleporter pad, pickup pads, spawn pads now have their collision disabled by default when added