This new method of bringing content to the game specifically focuses on a new feature that will continue to receive updates and evolve over the coming months.
Think of it as a smaller-scale treat to tide you over between major content updates.
The DreamSnaps Update in coming soon and with it, a brand new way to flex your creativity and earn exciting rewards!
✅ Submit a photo in weekly challenges ✅ Vote on your faves ✅ Earn weekly Moonstones (and more)!
@MrsMidnightX 🤩💜
@tmjtdm 🤩🤩
@tmjtdm Thanks for your suggestion, we'll share it with the team 🤗
@Kitty_Cat_Skuse Thanks for your suggestion ✍✍
@FolquetLaura Way to go! 🤩🤩
@Ken_Dis_Knee We love your excitement! Have fun playing 🤩🤗
@KumeWuff Way to go! ✨✨
@KumeWuff We're so happy to hear you like our game and we're thankful for your support 🤗💜
@potatoezzo We can't make promises, but the Valley is a place full of magical possibilities! ✨
@Cr1msonraiderG ✍✍
@GuineaGirlGamin Thanks so much for letting us know! 💜🤗 Makes us really happy to see you're enjoying the game! 🥰
Oh how time flies! ✨ It's been almost a year since we first teased the Valley's mysterious Pillars. Hands up if you've restored each and every one on your journey through the story of The Forgetting 🙋
@spanomichele703 Aww! So cute! 💜
@Disimyy That is too cute!! 🍄💖
@ahnemann_nathan ✅ All of the Above
@debradireads We appreciate your feedback and will pass it along to the team! 💜
@Solaris_Devorak Thank you for the suggestion! 💜📝
@Lisa4bells Thank YOU for playing Lisa! 💜🤗