The best part about the Magical Keepsake Cart? All the items featured on it can be found in the new Disney Parks Star Path! ✨
@_Lomiz 😌✨
@BriLove87 👀
@AnxietyStoner We're always looking at ways we could bring further improvements to the Valley! Offering up more interactivity is one of the things we're always considering, so we'll just have to see what future updates hold ✨
@MangaGuitar96 👁️👄👁️
@ArinahSeidr Thank you for the feedback! ✨
@littlemissCF Hi, Chloe! We're looking into it!
@ALittleLiarPLL5 Thank you for sharing it with us, Brittany!
@EmilyDreamlight 😜💜
@Casi_Griffin Hi there, Casandra! If you could share what you're experiencing with our Customer Care team at , they can make sure the dev team gets it to help with investigating! Thank you!
@eyeamnostalgia Thank you for the suggestion, Chris! 🙌
@MarkTweetsAU Thank you for the suggestion, Mark! ✨
@awisniewski05 Thank you for the feedback! 💜
@GaryColemannn Thank you for the suggestion!
@cherilaineGW @Disney Makes us really happy to see you're enjoying the game! 🥰💜✨
@JessicaKostler Thank you for the suggestions! 💜
@NatMansfield1 Thank you for the suggestion! 💜
@MegansWeirdness Hi! 🤗 The team's aware of this issue and looking into it. 🛠️ Please keep an eye on our Trello board . 💜
@bluejeankim 😆
@HiroSB5 Thank you for the suggestion! ✨