@alvaR__o Multiple fixes for quest progression tied to unreachable, missing, and unrecognized items will be addressed in the following update. Thanks for being patient!
@Japhix3 Not yet, the update will be out in the very near future, stay tuned for more info! 💜
@Pyroquinn1 Dream shards drop rates will be increased in an upcoming update. 💜
@ConceptLuna Thank you for reaching us! Allow our agents to check this issue for you and reach out to Customer Care via so they can better help you.
@veronique_1987 Hi there! We are aware of this issue and we are working on it. Thanks for being patient and stay tuned to our page for more updates!
@stells94 @gameloft Multiple fixes for quest progression tied to unreachable, missing, and unrecognized items will be addressed in the following update. Thanks for being patient!
@BoiRashy If you are currently running into this issue, you can get in touch with our Support team, and we may be able to fix it manually!
@L0stW1nchester Hi there! Have you tried placing the fish in a different container? That should allow you to catch another one. Let us know how it works! 💜
@emelychayne We are currently targeting a Mac release later in 2022 as we focus on optimizations. We assure you that our team is hard at work on these improvements and it is on the way. Please stay tuned for further updates!
@ShadowMatoki Hi there! We are aware of the crashing issues and we are working on a fix. Thanks for being patient and stay tuned to our page for more updates!
@Estryx1 Makes us really happy to see you're enjoying the game! 🥰✨ Thank you for being patient while these issues are being worked on. 💜
@anais88252731 Hi! Please make sure you have completed all the friendship quests for this specific character. You should receive your reward afterwards. Let us know how it goes!
@xlauraparker Rest assured that our team is currently working on an update that will address several situations that have been reported to us, including the crashing issues. Thank you for your patience! 🙌
@QueenChalo At this time, the priority has been the game's stability and making sure that players receive their items and are able to progress in the game. Stay tuned to our page as we'll keep players updated on the issues that will be addressed in the future. Thank you for being patient! 🙌
@SweetGurke We thank you for being patient while these issues are being worked on. 💜 Hoping you're enjoying the game! 🤗✨
@kennedyisloud Multiple fixes for quest progression tied to unreachable, missing, and unrecognized items will be addressed in the following update. Thanks for being patient!
@Lucky7ssssss We have channels dedicated to such matters (known issues, bug reporting, feedback) on our Discord, . 💜
@CatusMobius While we don't have a fix for this immediately, a work-around is to jump into your Wardrobe and switch each item for all/most clothing slots (ie. head, neckwear, pants...) something else in your Wardrobe. This bug will be properly addressed in an upcoming hotfix!
@Sweet_Shan411 @Poke06844967 Multiple fixes for quest progression tied to unreachable, missing, and unrecognized items will be addressed in the following update. Thanks for being patient!
@Lucky7ssssss Regarding the lost currency, please submit a ticket to Customer Care at , so our support team can identify your account and look into what happened. Thank you.