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I've hit a point where I don't know where to go next with my project - Pollution Revamped. A recent comment made me think about a possible new idea, and I need guidance. I'm a novice videogame programmer, and so I have a few questions regarding the game configuration files and how they work. If you're willing to help me, please message me on Discord (it is specified in the mod's page). Thanks a lot!

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3 days ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by xtreampb

after looking now (was going to try and upgrade your account for you if i could by buying you the upgrade license), you may not need to upgrade.

Installing the ModKit - Eco - English Wiki

u/SLG-Dennis do you still need to be a dev tier to get access to the unity mod kit? if so, how do you upgrade your account. I looked and the site has changed since i last looked.

Developer tier is currently no longer regularly offered for purchase, but can still be purchased manually on request at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

If only access to the source code is needed, we do still have a program for modders to receive that for free (but without any of the other benefits and under specific terms), which OP should be eligible for as they have a released mod. OP can reach out to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to check that possibility as well.

The modkit itself should be available for anyone with a play.eco account, that isn't related to developer tier.

And for any exchange with other modders as seemingly actually requested in the post, our discord or the modding discord will likely be the best location.