


    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1) Did you learn the respective specialty? You don't receive XP for activities if you don't have the specialty.
2) No, but you can use the UI to move items quickly.

07 Mar

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, issues with Starlink are known, see here:

We have been trying to get in touch with them to investigate the cause, but that unfortunately has been without success. Feel free to use... Read more

04 Mar

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That hints at an issue with the memory. Try running a memory tester so every part gets tested intensively for your memory settings.

For the crash you can send the logfile to [email protected]:
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is no current plans for controller support, though you can vote on it here:

28 Feb

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That is determined by the respective recipes, there is no multiplicator solely for crafting XP.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That statement is misleading, in the opposite Update 11 is the first version of Eco that does not require an online connection to play in singleplayer, the server had priorly required an online connection in all cases and so did the client. Correct is that dedicated servers now need an account login and that versions prior to Update 11 can no longer be played due to the new authentication system (which is unrelated to the account login which is the best I can think of you might consider DRM), but savegames can still be migrated under the restrictions I mentioned as it is not necessary to load them up on an old version before Update 11.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Savegames last played on a version prior to 10.2 are not supported for migration, savegames with that version might require a migration to 11.0 before migrating to 11.1.
Hey Citizens,
we have just released Maintenance Update 11.1.10 with the following changes:

  • Changed: Elevators now lose ten times less durability than before when used.
  • Changed: Industrial Mill is now crafted at the Electric Machinist table.
  • Changed: Cyan Powder recipe now requires Milling and is made on an Industrial Mill.
  • Changed: Processed Flour recipe now creates Cereal Germ as a byproduct.
  • Fixed: Industrial Mill did not consume fuel as intended.
  • Fixed: It was possible to place objects underwater that weren't intended to be placed there.
  • Fixed: A templating issue when a item had both a parent and multiple crafting stations in the techtree, relevant for modders.
  • Fixed: A spelling error in VehicleSchoopHandlerComponent, relevant for modders...
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    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Eco does take part in most of Steam's regular sales, just keep an eye out for them.

25 Feb


Originally posted by xtreampb

after looking now (was going to try and upgrade your account for you if i could by buying you the upgrade license), you may not need to upgrade.

Installing the ModKit - Eco - English Wiki

u/SLG-Dennis do you still need to be a dev tier to get access to the unity mod kit? if so, how do you upgrade your account. I looked and the site has changed since i last looked.

Developer tier is currently no longer regularly offered for purchase, but can still be purchased manually on request at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

If only access to the source code is needed, we do still have a program for modders to receive that for free (but without any of the other benefits and under specific terms), which OP should be eligible for as they have a released mod. OP can reach out to [...

Read more

24 Feb


Originally posted by shoke7886

I was looking on your website and dont see how to purchase Dev Tier. can you share a link for that please?

Developer tier is no longer regularly offered, you may be able to purchase it manually through [email protected].

23 Feb


Originally posted by moonclawz

the wiki doesn't have the icons listed at all, just some sign instructions. I need really specific help for all the icons used for the professions and can't find them anywhere. This is really important for shop signs etc. Where is every icon listed for the game if you aren't an admin or mod or dev and just a player?

This post was about access to actual icon files. There is no list of icons.
The best available is the ID's on each of the wikis pages that you can derive the icon name from.

For example here, in the sidebar:

22 Feb

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Scottishtroop:
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis: Server administrators can turn that off in via "ShowPurchaseNotification" config variable. By default it is on, so players have the necessary transparent information to check for settlement shares being received.
Ah ok thanks for reply. Is there a way to check shop history transactions?

Actually it seems like I misunderstood your post, given it seems you wanted to see who sold at your inga... Read more

21 Feb

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Server administrators can turn that off in via "ShowPurchaseNotification" config variable. By default it is on, so players have the necessary transparent information to check for settlement shares being received.
Hey Citizens,
we have just released Maintenance Update 11.1.9 with the following changes:

  • Fixed: Icons for crafting recipes sometimes disappeared.
  • Fixed: Icons for crafting recipes sometimes showed an identical smaller icon next to them.
  • Fixed: Icons could become invisible in storages when moved very quickly.
Voice Chat: Vivox, used for the Voice Chat in Eco, has received a major update which should address most of the issues that were reported to us over time. Please let us know about any new issues the update itself could have potentially caused on our bug tracker[]... Read more

18 Feb

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Eco uses the standard system for digital media - RGB. Color mixing in that is not comparable to mixing with either light or pigments.

In eco we provide the RGB and CYMK base colors for players to mix with:
White - RGB(255,255,255)
Black - RGB(0,0,0)
Red - RGB(255,0,0)
Green - RGB(0,255,0)
Blue - RGB(0,0,255)
Yellow - RGB(255,255,0)
Cyan - RGB(0,255,255)
Magenta - RGB(255,0,255)

Green is a primary color in RGB system and hence cannot be mixed, yellow is a secondary color mixed from red and green.

If you mix blue RGB(0,0,255) and yellow RGB(255,255,0) on a rate of 1:1, e.g. 50% each you will get RGB(128,128,128) - which is a sort of grey. That's all correct. This page can help with mixing in RGB system: ... Read more

15 Feb

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Why don't you join one as it is intended?

12 Feb


    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you provide a screenshot, I can't really imagine what you mean exactly. Are the rooms fully separated?
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 焊工靓仔: May I ask how to solve the energy problem in the early stage, ah, windmills and water wheels need a thing that should be called lubricating oil to produce
You can make it via the grease from tallow recipe on the butchery table, the tallow you get for example from some campfire recipes.

Originally posted by 焊工靓仔: There's no recipe for an iron pick
The Iron Pickaxe is made on a Grindstone.

It's worth it to use the tooltips you get when hov... Read more