When I eat something i get a flash message saying something but you can barely even notice it.
Because I was taking a screenshot i see it said "yum" https://i.imgur.com/qP8JPw8.png But between my backpack open and the background, it's really hard to see it.
I just wish the news feed was useful, can we combine the ecolog and newsfeed and make it stay 100% all the time?
Also why do you have to do a couple clicks to go to the ecolog, and instead of staying as a tab, it hides again and you have to do the couple clicks again. why ;_; If at least the ecolog could stay as a regular chat tab, i think that would offset some of my issues .
Also the chat, I wish we could hide it and make it only pop up when someone added a new message and then fade after a couple seconds.
The Hold Control to stick the panels was great, too bad it was removed, now when you hold for a sec it's great, but half the time doesnt work.
Other than that, loving the UI updates, i just wish they were more useful.