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I just think it's neat how the devs said "we want voxels, and thus a consistent square grid, but we also want the map to wrap around like a globe" and came to the compromise solution of making the planet torus/donut-shaped. I just think it's neat! Makes the map weird to navigate.

...kinda wish there was an option to actually render it as a torus in-game, have the world arc up into the sky away from you when you're in the donut-hole, etc. It'd be weird but it would be neat.

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about 1 year ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by TopSecretPorkChop

Where did you get the idea that it's a torus? Seems pretty spherical to me. My impression/understanding is that the "cubes" are just slightly off from being cubical (or maybe they're just rendered that way).

It's indeed a flat earth wrapped in donut form, using shaders to make you believe it's a sphere. If you take a closer look at some things you'll notice it's an illusion.