about 1 month ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
You create the respective skill book, and use it to get a skill scroll to unlock the skill.
about 1 month ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
Skill books are craftable items, but Hunting doesn't require one.

What is the translation of the error you provided?
about 1 month ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
There is an error on the screen that seems to have happened after clicking, but I don't speak that language and don't know whats written there - that information would be necessary for any further investigation.
29 days ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
Originally posted by 焊工靓仔: May I ask how to solve the energy problem in the early stage, ah, windmills and water wheels need a thing that should be called lubricating oil to produce
You can make it via the grease from tallow recipe on the butchery table, the tallow you get for example from some campfire recipes.

Originally posted by 焊工靓仔: There's no recipe for an iron pick
The Iron Pickaxe is made on a Grindstone.

It's worth it to use the tooltips you get when hovering over item names - they show exactly what a item is made of and where it can be crafted.