almost 6 years
ago -
Direct link
We have released patch with the following fixes and improvements:
Starting with this version, we ship a 32-bit version of the EcoServer.exe which is used by default for singleplayer worlds, greatly reducing memory consumption.
- Fixed zero tax display in transfer UI.
- Fixed world leader removal from treasury bank account
- "Your currency" law clause now counts all funds on all accounts!
- Optimized rubble.
- Fixed initial currency setup from server default currency
- Fixed issue with non-withdrawing funds during trade when total tax (seller + buyer) is greater than buyer funds.
- Fixed currency dropdown indexing (from master) => results in working /leader command and some minor stuff
- Fixed black screen on first login
- Fixed steam tractor exceptions when it moved with no driver
Starting with this version, we ship a 32-bit version of the EcoServer.exe which is used by default for singleplayer worlds, greatly reducing memory consumption.