13 days
ago -
Strange Loop Games
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
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601s | [Music] |
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637s | [Music] |
645s | [Music] |
660s | [Music] |
673s | [Music] |
676s | there we go hello everyone and welcome |
682s | so first off uh welcome to the stream |
687s | it's been a while sorry I'm a little bit |
689s | rust to the uh the this my usual strange |
693s | Loop games intro um so my name is Jans |
695s | working here as a lead game designer at |
697s | strange Loop games and uh we are going |
700s | to take a look at a community server and |
702s | do some uh do some property and housing |
705s | ratings um on Golden |
709s | Age so don't think there's there's too |
712s | much to can R over um we'll also do some |
715s | some usual chatter um I'll answer |
717s | questions popping up in chat um |
720s | and that that usual drill um we're |
723s | probably going to talk a little bit |
725s | about General housing decorations um we |
727s | are currently um quite focused on that |
731s | part at the moment um so I might i' I've |
734s | shown some screenshots or whatnot I'll |
736s | pull them I'll pull some of them up |
738s | on |
740s | um during the stream at at certain |
743s | points um and uh yeah so just a quick |
749s | note note on uh been a bit been a bit |
752s | absent on General |
754s | development um streamwise and kind of |
757s | updating wise and we have been very very |
759s | busy with um currently upgrading Unity |
762s | from um 2023 version to the the 6.0 kind |
767s | of the the latest Unity version which is |
770s | a massive upgrade in terms of all kinds |
772s | of related things technically uh |
775s | performance improvements and rendering |
777s | and uh |
779s | uh like GPU optimizations and and the |
781s | whole shebang so that's taking up a lot |
783s | of |
785s | time um we are also working on uh |
788s | housing decorations and uh some other |
790s | cool kind of detailing of it um it's |
794s | been teased a little bit but the whole |
796s | like free placing thing so we're moving |
798s | away uh we're moving objects away from |
802s | uh essentially |
804s | tiles so that's going to also impact a |
807s | lot of these decorative builds once that |
810s | gets released um and I'm going to do |
813s | dedicated streams some them later on so |
816s | uh we will get there um it's going to be |
818s | cool and |
821s | um as I said I'll I'll answer chat and |
824s | you know stuff that pops up and uh if |
826s | you have any any ideas suggestions on |
829s | improving decoration or improving |
831s | housing or like the style decor and |
834s | everything in related to that uh let me |
838s | know hit me up um |
840s | if you've been there before you know the |
841s | drill um you can reach me here on uh on |
845s | our public Discord um we also have the |
849s | uh canny site or the uh our Eco page on |
853s | the cany website which we have for |
855s | feedback and suggestions which is in the |
857s | link at the |
858s | top um yeah you know without further Ado |
862s | I am going to dive in and we are going |
863s | to be on a community Discord so it is |
865s | going to be somewhat open it might be a |
867s | little bit messy voicewise uh bear with |
869s | me |
872s | um but yeah you know what let's just |
875s | let's just open that up um take it away |
877s | I'm currently downloading mods and want |
880s | not to connect to the server |
882s | so um working forward getting there and |
886s | I might actually keep this here to not |
888s | blind you that was very very bright |
892s | uh yeah so there we are we we are we are |
897s | live in the wild um |
901s | back to |
902s | attack um and with me uh yeah um so we |
907s | have on on the judge role thing here now |
910s | for the |
911s | housing uh rating we have alpen glow and |
915s | we also have Monsoon and we have we |
919s | we've done a visit over with Monsoon on |
921s | uh on their server a while |
924s | back |
926s | um it it was a while ago what 6 months |
930s | eight months |
932s | yeah yeah might might be longer than |
934s | that time just flies I don't know where |
936s | it where it went or or what it did but |
939s | it just |
942s | vanished um can try this out and also as |
945s | you probably noticed I am playing around |
948s | a lot with uh I got fancy new |
952s | Transitions and that oh yeah I forgot to |
955s | change the actual U actual game |
957s | camera hang on |
960s | the game capture didn't catch the Eco |
963s | client that's why it went |
967s | black oh and it's it it's it's an |
970s | amazingly wrong |
971s | resolution that's that's not |
975s | great you should be fitting to |
981s | uh it should fit to the resolution God |
984s | dang |
986s | it pleas please OBS what why are you |
989s | doing this to |
994s | me it should |
997s | be |
1001s | changing output scale y |
1005s | are oh boy well that's fun let me let me |
1011s | move things |
1013s | around see if we can't fix this and let |
1016s | me know if this breaks resolution for |
1020s | people |
1022s | um oh yeah that that is a weird |
1027s | scale I don't know why why it's doing |
1032s | that |
1037s | capture it's doing some shady resolution |
1040s | things I love problems while I'm live |
1044s | they are they are amazing you just kind |
1046s | of have |
1047s | to cope with them |
1051s | uh are we going to play |
1056s | nice you know what can we |
1060s | do yeah because it it shifted everything |
1065s | around yeah that's not going to |
1071s | work do |
1074s | that okay so you know what let's let's |
1076s | grab the game capture directly and just |
1078s | go with the uh screen capture and that's |
1080s | that's fine at least we have the |
1082s | resolution in the right place and the |
1084s | object in the right |
1087s | place love |
1094s | it and that is that is also that is also |
1098s | a very interesting point I'm gonna have |
1101s | to poke Dennis on that because I don't |
1104s | have direct access to the Twitch account |
1107s | per se |
1109s | um to enable drops and |
1113s | whatnot |
1118s | um but yeah no how is |
1121s | everyone and I finally managed to get in |
1123s | on the server as well so we |
1125s | are |
1128s | um we are in here it is all |
1137s | working so we have let's switch that |
1140s | over to a 2d |
1142s | map we can get a little bit better |
1148s | overview starting in the Wild by some |
1151s | Farm fields that sounds like a great |
1156s | plan or did the did you start off as a |
1160s | rivendel citizen |
1165s | yeah let's go with that |
1171s | uh that is that is |
1174s | a lost transporter that's what I'll |
1186s | picko look at |
1196s | that oh |
1201s | well two have |
1214s | arrived ah |
1226s | nice yep |
1252s | oh yeah holy holy smokes the |
1255s | uh run speed differences is |
1259s | intriguing |
1266s | um and I also heard uh I also heard |
1270s | people were very sad that you couldn't |
1271s | bathe in the um the garden |
1274s | pond the or the |
1277s | [ __ ] |
1279s | um you can't bathe in it like you can't |
1282s | you uh you if you're standing on top of |
1285s | it you're standing on top of water so |
1286s | you're you're water walking |
1298s | um we were uh uh or we were I I'll |
1302s | probably take a look at |
1304s | um just the hitbox and might refine it a |
1309s | little bit so you can actually get into |
1310s | it but |
1311s | [Music] |
1318s | uh it is a bit of a a |
1325s | peculiarity oh it's it it's my uh it's a |
1328s | general |
1329s | concern um from the development side and |
1332s | I know Monsoon knows this as well um |
1335s | with |
1336s | uh Square hit boxes versus mesh hit |
1341s | boxes and like it is it is super easy in |
1345s | unity in particular to just go bam |
1347s | collider mesh |
1350s | um and then you have the collider is |
1352s | actually the outline of the model |
1354s | itself um which can be super detailed |
1357s | however it gets really expensive really |
1360s | quickly which is why the preferred way |
1362s | of doing it is kind of overlapping |
1364s | multiple Square |
1367s | colliders um to turn it into the shape |
1370s | of the object because it is cheaper with |
1374s | uh six sided calculations or 12 |
1379s | um versus like |
1384s | 100,000 uh added more so into per object |
1388s | as well so if you suddenly have you know |
1390s | a hundred of them in in a square or what |
1392s | not it can get really performant heavy |
1394s | really |
1399s | quickly mhm |
1406s | [Music] |
1415s | [Music] |
1426s | hey oh the the yeah the um the Crash |
1430s | Test Dummies |
1435s | [Music] |
1444s | oh hang on hang on hang on hang on hang |
1447s | on hang on yeah no so |
1449s | what what happened |
1451s | is let me pull that up okay there we go |
1456s | that was a very a very good call out uh |
1459s | on soon say |
1460s | something hello I speaking in Discord |
1463s | yeah so uh OBS had decided to just |
1467s | switch out my audio |
1469s | uh output |
1472s | source so they haven't been able to hear |
1474s | you I am so sorry and I am very |
1477s | surprised no one else mentioned it I'm |
1480s | just sitting here talking to |
1484s | myself you will redo the intros quickly |
1486s | then no yeah yeah yeah so uh Monsoon as |
1491s | youve as you've seen on stream before at |
1494s | a certain point in |
1496s | time um |
1500s | and then we have uh Seth that is the one |
1502s | of the owners of the server and then we |
1505s | have alpen glow which is uh the |
1507s | individual in-game uh with the AMW |
1513s | docking that'll be do and the legendary |
1515s | modder |
1517s | yeah uh you can you can see him quite as |
1520s | a frequent flyer both on the uh Eco |
1522s | modding Discord and also in the modding |
1525s | channels on the official Discord as well |
1527s | uh both Monsoon and and helping |
1531s | glow there's dozens of us there is there |
1535s | is a lot of you um but there's only two |
1538s | of you here right now |
1542s | yes I mean I think you're an avid motor |
1544s | as well J you just have the capability |
1547s | to add your mods to vanilla right |
1553s | [Music] |
1554s | cheating so I think we're closest to |
1558s | snowflake Valley which is one of our |
1560s | towns um |
1563s | monzen and Yan you both have admins so |
1566s | you can fly if you want because I know |
1568s | the walk speed can be kind of brutal |
1569s | starting |
1572s | out and I I'll just flip U record mode |
1576s | so I can |
1578s | just fluidly fly |
1580s | around |
1582s | that we can go visit farmer Ren's house |
1588s | [Music] |
1591s | oh just I I just I love the lighting and |
1594s | I am I'm looking forward to uh to |
1598s | Showcase some of the crazy upgrades with |
1600s | the with the next Unity |
1604s | upgrade um but it is it it's been uh |
1608s | it's been a crazy work |
1610s | um for our more technical technical |
1613s | graphic people |
1616s | um the goal is to kind of switch around |
1619s | the entire render Pipeline and like the |
1621s | whole shebang can turn it turn it |
1624s | graphically into like a 1.0 ready state |
1627s | if you |
1627s | [Music] |
1629s | will um yeah let me let me just drop |
1632s | down the Vol there a Christmas tree on |
1634s | your |
1637s | left yes there |
1639s | was there we go that should balance out |
1641s | the volume a little bit |
1643s | better testing |
1646s | testing I hope let me know if |
1652s | uh if you need me to uh adjust it |
1661s | further hey that's a lot better thank |
1663s | you well I am |
1666s | happy that uh that sorted itself out oh |
1670s | look at that that |
1676s | is this is farmer Ren |
1681s | so this is one of our entries to the |
1683s | building |
1685s | competition are there any descriptions |
1688s | coming along with them like what they uh |
1690s | what they envisioned what was difficult |
1693s | what was fun things um farmer in's |
1697s | Christmas Farmhouse free reindeer |
1699s | included that is what she posted I'm |
1703s | here to claim my free reindeer |
1709s | [Music] |
1714s | we had a lot of people say that um they |
1718s | they wanted to decorate and be part of |
1720s | it and have fun building but they didn't |
1724s | necessarily want to compete for the |
1725s | prize money as well because they they |
1728s | already had the the unlocks they wanted |
1730s | and that kind of thing so you'll see a |
1733s | lot of other decorated buildings and |
1735s | that kind of thing our uh our theme is |
1737s | to try to slow down progression and give |
1739s | people time to build and enjoy that |
1742s | aspect of the game so you'll see a lot |
1744s | of other cool buildings that didn't |
1747s | necessarily get Ed in the competition |
1749s | but we still had a lot of time spent on |
1753s | [Music] |
1755s | them like the docks over here I think |
1758s | are really fantastic they have little |
1761s | Christmas packages and candy cane |
1764s | docks or pillars |
1771s | [Music] |
1777s | [Music] |
1786s | looks |
1787s | like someone living in a Christmas |
1792s | stocking all right I appreciate that |
1803s | so are we going only on exterior is this |
1806s | the big |
1807s | question there's one entrant that wanted |
1811s | the interior judged as well but |
1814s | um I mean her interior looks like it's |
1817s | well put together so I don't think that |
1819s | she would be upset if you looked at the |
1822s | interior as well but we we didn't |
1824s | explicitly say that Interiors would also |
1827s | be judged it was kind of |
1829s | based on on their request yeah we we |
1832s | we'll stick on the exterior then for |
1833s | like general official |
1840s | purposes is |
1843s | Christmas well firstly is it an |
1845s | adjective and secondly are we judging on |
1847s | it are the other ones Christmas themed |
1849s | as |
1850s | well there was no specific uh Christmas |
1853s | theme objective okay |
1858s | because I see this area around hereall |
1860s | they had a big Christmas tree it bit |
1862s | away and the docks down here is giant |
1864s | gift wrapping very very very christmy |
1867s | feel along this street yeah yep that was |
1870s | that was their Town's theme so they all |
1873s | tried to keep it christmy this is a |
1877s | uh kind of a I don't know eight to 10 |
1881s | person group that all kind of play |
1883s | together |
1888s | seems very |
1890s | creative I have to give them props for |
1892s | burying the COI |
1895s | Pond I judge people who don't who put |
1897s | their |
1899s | ponds on the ground rather than in the |
1901s | ground where fish are supposed to |
1904s | be this is definitely a bonus for |
1908s | [Music] |
1914s | me yeah I I do like the fact that they |
1917s | have taken the time to also variate |
1919s | between the uh the shades as |
1923s | well match match in with the shade |
1926s | shifting in |
1928s | uh in uh it it stands out in the red but |
1932s | it also paired up a bit with the green |
1934s | as |
1946s | well it's not only Hogs it's actually |
1948s | stones at the bottom as well mhm what |
1951s | are these candy cane blocks they're |
1953s | Adobe Adobe are so versatile when it |
1955s | comes to making just a colored block |
1959s | they have so many shapes and you can't |
1960s | tell that it's Adobe once you have uh |
1962s | painted them actually really good for |
1966s | it yeah another town member made a |
1968s | gingerbread house and the roof is Adobe |
1970s | and it looks absolutely fantastic and |
1972s | perfect with the uh the Adobe it does |
1976s | it's it's doesn't have like a strong |
1978s | textures uh so it's very easy to paint |
1981s | but I also really like that they varied |
1983s | the the shades you can see like on the |
1985s | top layer here also on the on the red as |
1987s | well that it's like uh or is that |
1990s | different materials no it's |
1993s | not |
1995s | or no it's un logs okay I mean the fact |
1999s | that I can't tell means it's good I |
2001s | think |
2002s | mhm |
2004s | okay do we keep our judging scores to |
2008s | our El and reveal them at the end or no |
2010s | no you can keep them to yourselves you |
2012s | uh DM them to me later and then we'll |
2014s | we'll sort it |
2015s | [Music] |
2016s | out I'm going to need somewhere |
2019s | somewhere to write it down yeah if you |
2022s | if you want them in text to compile them |
2023s | later I'm going to need to uh just give |
2026s | me half a second here I'll write a |
2029s | little note about |
2031s | them or you can you can send me a score |
2034s | in Discord for each one or however you |
2037s | want to hand I just I don't want I don't |
2040s | I don't want to put you on the spot on |
2041s | your stream no no no no no uh do we do |
2043s | we want to do um some name for the house |
2045s | or do we just do like house one or uh |
2048s | Ren this is Ren's |
2050s | Farmhouse Ren's |
2055s | farmhouse in Discord you have a channel |
2058s | called uh building contest yeah I saw |
2060s | that but I I don't want to be tabbing |
2062s | back and forth no okay understand um and |
2066s | that was just because my uh my my my |
2068s | very sad uh it didn't want to do the |
2070s | game captur so I'm doing monitor capture |
2072s | instead so I see it you guys are our |
2075s | guests we want to make it as painless as |
2077s | possible so whatever works for you yeah |
2079s | it's it's all good uh so it's fun do do |
2083s | you do you want to start to do do I |
2086s | start you can start start on on on |
2091s | uh attributing point to the house oh |
2095s | yeah if you want to do it on stream |
2096s | that's knock yourself out yeah um well |
2101s | my my thinking was just like give the |
2102s | numbers and then kind of motivate why or |
2104s | you know if do you have a raing party |
2108s | yeah look at |
2109s | that hello Dragon girl um welcome to uh |
2114s | welcome to the stream uh we're doing |
2116s | some Community uh Community visiting and |
2119s | uh housing rating so bear with us |
2123s | um I am on their Discord so it's a |
2126s | little bit of an open chat so |
2130s | um shouldn't be too cluttery but you |
2133s | know if we're talking over each other |
2135s | uh take uh take it with a little bit of |
2140s | uh little bit of salt and |
2144s | uh endure |
2147s | it um yeah so I am uh we're doing a |
2150s | scale of 1 to 10 |
2152s | right yeah and I'm I'm leaning |
2156s | towards six on |
2159s | this um kind of in the middle |
2164s | um giving it slightly higher because |
2167s | they they took the time to bury that Koi |
2169s | pond I I do or you the Garin pod SL COI |
2173s | ponds I do appreciate it like Monsoon |
2175s | said um it is it is a nice touch they |
2178s | should be buried please they look so |
2180s | nice when they are a part of the general |
2183s | garden and not just raised up as a as a |
2186s | pool in the backyard |
2188s | um also the um uh taking the time to do |
2193s | the differential colors and kind of the |
2194s | matching up with with it as well as |
2196s | keeping with that good theme of the the |
2198s | Christmas area um the um while it didn't |
2203s | get higher due to the fact that it's got |
2205s | a work a lot of workbenches and stuff |
2208s | that isn't |
2210s | necessarily you know aesthetically set |
2212s | up um on the exterior like a bunch of |
2216s | worktables campfire |
2220s | um and |
2222s | whatnot but all in all for me a uh it it |
2226s | is quite nice it's colorful it's sparkly |
2229s | it's very |
2230s | Christmas |
2232s | uh clever use of some of the block |
2243s | shapes okay should I do next go for it |
2249s | okay I also gave it a six it's a really |
2252s | solid six because I it's it Sparks Joy |
2256s | it feels |
2259s | like I don't know it feels like |
2261s | something a young adult would make on |
2265s | their like countdown to |
2268s | Christmas and I'm a sucker for just |
2271s | joyful things it made me smile uh I |
2275s | especially like like the color and as I |
2277s | said before it feels a little bit like |
2280s | someone wanted to live in a Christmas |
2281s | stocking and everything is just I don't |
2285s | know |
2286s | Candy it's nice uh I don't as much like |
2290s | these fences I suppose but there if you |
2294s | want a fence on like a race platform |
2296s | like this uh I actually don't know what |
2299s | blocks I would use myself I actually had |
2301s | this issue on the last run I played |
2303s | myself I didn't really know how to |
2305s | encapsulate a race platform like this I |
2307s | don't know if there are |
2309s | any great Alternatives but I have it it |
2313s | feels like it takes away a little bit |
2314s | from |
2316s | the uh I don't know aesthetic of it in |
2319s | this case but yeah that's uh what I had |
2323s | I like really like the color shifting I |
2324s | took the time to like do the color |
2326s | shifting because it's a little bit of a |
2329s | hassle to do uh especially when you |
2332s | can't just fly around like it looks easy |
2333s | from the outside to just do like every |
2335s | other done but uh when you have to climb |
2338s | things and make scaffolding or run |
2340s | inside lift up the |
2343s | floor yeah it's it's quite a lot of work |
2345s | to do so I really like |
2351s | that does Al and glow have a good way to |
2353s | communicate |
2354s | there I don't think so I'll just have |
2357s | him uh score it and then uh we'll |
2361s | tabulate them up so if you guys are |
2365s | ready we can progress through the town |
2367s | and |
2368s | head to the next one um Yan if at any |
2372s | point you want to stop and look at |
2375s | something that's not necessarily on the |
2376s | judging criteria feel free oh I'll scour |
2381s | around as we as we go along just need to |
2383s | okay perfect find where you went there |
2387s | there's the there's the flying |
2388s | individual down the street let's |
2394s | go you know the um the the complication |
2398s | of painting and doing decorative things |
2400s | like that just makes me uh makes my uh |
2404s | my my head go uh uh how about a very |
2408s | very tall World object for as an actual |
2414s | scaffold like a a a a painting SLC |
2418s | Carpenter build scaffold kind of thing |
2420s | like say four tiles wide and then just |
2423s | very very |
2425s | tall oh like an item yeah well it has |
2429s | like a world object World object yeah so |
2431s | instead of having to plon down you know |
2432s | each block individually you could just |
2435s | place down a scaffolding um and that |
2437s | will help you kind of decorate or build |
2439s | or or whatever just to kind of ease the |
2443s | um easier access to |
2446s | it yeah that would be really useful |
2449s | actually it's a lot of placing where |
2452s | like like Adobe stairs or something has |
2455s | to get where you need to be on the |
2456s | outside |
2459s | yeah as blastin say maybe that elev an |
2462s | elevator variant that just a 1x3 |
2464s | platform that you can attach to the side |
2466s | of the building yeah like um a scissor |
2469s | lift or something you know something |
2471s | that allows you to just like raise up uh |
2474s | in some capacity |
2476s | um that that would be pretty neat |
2480s | scissor lift would really cool too you |
2481s | could animate it |
2483s | and yeah have it as its own vehicle |
2485s | trudge along the street |
2488s | mhm I you can sort of do it with the |
2490s | excavator and just extend the arm out |
2492s | and stand on the arm but it |
2494s | it's I don't think that's oer |
2499s | approved um the Christmas lights on this |
2502s | tree is very cleverly done with the dock |
2505s | blocks I love |
2511s | it yeah the Christmas the the uh the |
2513s | block Christmas trees were kind of they |
2516s | were they were uh kind of adorable yeah |
2519s | this one took uh with one step further |
2522s | and added these to the lights that are |
2523s | actually like the dock end blocks I |
2526s | think that they have painted very |
2533s | clever back out there a little bit um so |
2537s | which one |
2539s | is the next |
2542s | subject uh none of these actually they |
2545s | all just wanted to decorate and be part |
2547s | of the town so we're headed over towards |
2550s | the Grinch over here the sign I wanted |
2553s | to follow the actual path yeah the the |
2557s | uh oh the the the Snowman as well I love |
2561s | it it it |
2562s | is it gives a very very homey christmy |
2565s | feeling going along here |
2583s | [Music] |
2584s | okay so |
2585s | let's |
2593s | here not sure the proper way to get to |
2598s | there if it's difficult to get to and |
2600s | you don't want to spend time we can just |
2603s | oh no it's it's way up here yeah okay no |
2606s | it's it's right up here here I don't |
2608s | know if there's a a roadway to it or |
2610s | anything this is the Misty Mountain |
2613s | ruins so it's |
2616s | got a kind of an ancient structure feel |
2619s | to it and she did request the interior |
2623s | be judged on this |
2632s | one oh yeah so it's it's a it's a ruined |
2637s | ruined |
2639s | Hilltop castley or |
2643s | Outpost guardhouse kind of |
2646s | thing it's like some post meteor |
2649s | destruction on other Cycles right right |
2653s | that is that is absolutely uh absolutely |
2655s | phenomenal I I that is pretty clever use |
2659s | of blocks |
2660s | there you mean the uh the slanted uh |
2663s | dock ramps yeah I was going to say the |
2666s | same that's really |
2679s | whatever which is another set of blocks |
2682s | that is really really versatile and like |
2685s | you know it it's it's dock blocks |
2687s | they're intended to build docks or |
2689s | whatnot but they |
2690s | work absolutely amazing if you want a uh |
2694s | like a a |
2696s | thinner more |
2698s | interactive I guess um |
2701s | flooring that fits the U kind of |
2704s | medieval SL Renaissance Outpost |
2708s | the um attic flooring or |
2712s | or um like lack of support |
2715s | flooring yeah it's one of my favorite uh |
2718s | block sets to be |
2720s | honest especially the different angles |
2722s | mhm yeah there's another interesting |
2725s | thing here if you come to the like the |
2726s | first room |
2728s | uh they have used uh the what's it |
2731s | called it's it's not technically a block |
2733s | shape but when you put a block on the |
2736s | floor you |
2738s | see placeable form exactly the placeable |
2741s | form I find really clever as well |
2743s | because you don't see those very |
2746s | much no and and it it was it was a very |
2750s | big headache for uh Toby and Rob when |
2753s | they were making the Block Set uh on |
2756s | like what they want what we wanted to be |
2758s | representative for just the placed down |
2762s | Block versus the |
2764s | constructed |
2766s | um so figuring out like the the ratio of |
2769s | mixture in between the |
2771s | detailing |
2775s | um and I think they they they did a a |
2778s | pretty pretty dang good job at uh kind |
2781s | of |
2784s | encapsulating uh a pile of adobe when |
2786s | it's in not in in an actual built |
2788s | form yeah is that the form that is used |
2792s | inside of stock piles |
2794s | yes and then they kind of they they |
2796s | merge around and shift when they um yeah |
2799s | when they get stacked on top of each |
2800s | other exactly like sort of like the |
2803s | rubble right except that it's it's uh an |
2807s | actual buildable block y yeah |
2811s | okay I think I can go first with this |
2813s | one if you want yeah go first yeah I |
2817s | think I'm going to give this one a seven |
2820s | because I really like the theme like a |
2823s | lot of people want to build big mansions |
2826s | like a lot of houses to live in and this |
2829s | is not something someone has built for |
2830s | like you know partially their own XP and |
2832s | partially their own gameplay it's just a |
2834s | creative thing and it looks like theyve |
2837s | taken quite like it's not that big but |
2839s | it taken a lot of time for to get the |
2841s | details right like there's a lot of |
2844s | small uh like like the the different |
2847s | types of rubble there is some garbage |
2849s | there's some Adobe placed on the |
2851s | ground uh and the these dock slanted |
2854s | docks up here I think they're it just |
2857s | looks I don't know authentic |
2859s | or |
2861s | or as ruiny as you can get within a |
2864s | world that is based on |
2869s | blocks so yeah uh on that alone I think |
2872s | I want to give it a seven |
2877s | nice cool |
2879s | um I |
2882s | am about in the same mentality I'm |
2884s | probably going to rise you a point um |
2887s | and give this an |
2889s | eight |
2891s | um a lot of the points you already |
2893s | mentioned out but I think one of the um |
2897s | one of the big parts for me is it also |
2901s | looks like it's properly usable if it |
2905s | was in a completed state |
2908s | like it's something someone could |
2909s | actually be using |
2912s | to live in in in a sense like you could |
2915s | have a little workshop in the in the |
2917s | back Tower room or you could have |
2920s | another storage area in the back below |
2923s | and have a workshop at the top or or |
2925s | whatnot like there is um it looks like |
2929s | there was some portion of |
2932s | functionality like uh accounted for |
2935s | and um |
2938s | built in |
2939s | mind not just you know make it look like |
2942s | a cool ruined |
2943s | structure um which they they succeeded |
2947s | with |
2949s | phenomenally um and you know just on |
2952s | just on that and and the sheer level of |
2954s | detail and making sure that you have a |
2958s | bunch of different mixtures in between |
2960s | broken versus actual solid Rubble pieces |
2964s | and |
2965s | gravel the nonplaced things uh the |
2968s | general Decor as well as a mixture of |
2970s | actual still |
2973s | structured stuff um like the the the |
2977s | empty torches on the walls um the bench |
2980s | and the the Furnishing in the |
2983s | enal um as well as didn't dilute it with |
2987s | a bunch of colors or other things that |
2989s | would make it kind of Pop more just for |
2992s | the sake of it |
2995s | um I'm give this an |
3007s | e all |
3008s | right um alen glow said I think this |
3012s | build is great really sold on the |
3013s | medieval fantasy theme the rubble looks |
3015s | authentic and the build is interesting |
3016s | to |
3017s | explore and the setting on top of a |
3020s | mountain is also a good choice of |
3024s | location so with that we can head |
3028s | north um on the map we're heading |
3031s | towards all the boats on the |
3035s | desert kind of past a couple little |
3040s | Islands I'll pretend they have the map |
3042s | up and go yep I know exactly where we're |
3046s | going it's a little bit of a of a fly |
3049s | over there at your at least yeah uh |
3055s | Blas the the dock the dock block in |
3057s | general being absolutely spectacular for |
3059s | for all things all things General |
3062s | outdoor decorative where you might need |
3064s | woodwork um and still have it accessible |
3066s | like patios and backyard decks and then |
3069s | whatnot just for like some some extra |
3071s | flashy |
3073s | forms um without having like a rigid |
3077s | solid Big |
3081s | Blocks which I I wholesomely agree with |
3089s | and I see that dock we just passed is |
3090s | built with water level rising in |
3094s | mind yeah we actually I don't think |
3096s | we've had any Water Rising yet we have |
3098s | had some requests from the community to |
3101s | uh increase the pollution difficulty but |
3104s | it's not something that we've explored |
3106s | quite yet |
3110s | [Music] |
3119s | [Music] |
3135s | don't know how much that |
3137s | is let's pull that up a little |
3141s | bit there we go |
3160s | I like that you can see in your world |
3162s | that people used the boats quite a bit |
3164s | to to travel to the other |
3168s | settlements this uh yeah look at the map |
3171s | you can see both the icons of the bootes |
3173s | of course but you can see where there |
3174s | are |
3175s | peers connected to the |
3178s | towns yeah we like to add a lot more |
3180s | water so that the boats get a lot more |
3183s | use |
3186s | mhm yeah there have one of there have |
3190s | been some general sorry uh there has |
3191s | been some general some general requests |
3193s | to just crank up the water um overall in |
3198s | like the default World gen so that's |
3199s | probably something that I'll be looking |
3203s | at |
3205s | um but it it is |
3207s | is the the difficulty with increasing |
3212s | water um in particular on the um on the |
3215s | standard generator is the whole |
3217s | discrepancy between the qu the quantity |
3220s | of biomes that needs to fit into the |
3222s | world as well as scaling up the water so |
3226s | we we we increase the water in general |
3228s | but we don't you're playing on a on a |
3231s | you know vanilla sized World at0 |
3234s | 52 it's going to shrink the biomes and |
3237s | and at some point the biomes kind of get |
3239s | a |
3241s | bit tricky to fit in within the the |
3244s | restrictions of them as well as being |
3247s | able to have the resources from those |
3249s | biomes like the grassland could be super |
3251s | super tiny which then makes it really |
3254s | hard to get a sort of a balanced game |
3257s | play uh because you're going to need a |
3259s | whole bunch of grassland to cover with |
3260s | the fla and you might need it for corn |
3262s | or whatever |
3264s | else yep um yeah and and that biosphere |
3268s | diversity is making just cranking up the |
3271s | water a bit difficult to do from a |
3273s | default |
3274s | standpoint |
3275s | um that's also why we try to we we try |
3279s | to relay information as much as possible |
3281s | to players just about if they want a |
3284s | slightly different tuned experience they |
3287s | have all the settings available to them |
3292s | um and that's that that's kind of a big |
3295s | part of the whole sandbox environment is |
3297s | just being able to adjust for what you |
3300s | want out of it experience-wise |
3306s | um that's what led us to making this |
3308s | server because there are a a lot of |
3311s | fantastic servers out there but none of |
3313s | them quite checked all the boxes we were |
3315s | looking for and so we decided to to |
3318s | start our own up so that we could we |
3320s | could customize it and tailor it and Eco |
3322s | is such a fantastic game for doing |
3325s | exactly that yeah I absolutely agree |
3329s | just speaking of the world generation |
3331s | like I spent so much time tinkering with |
3333s | our World |
3334s | Generation |
3336s | Um and like some of the things uh I'm |
3340s | really happy with did was for example |
3341s | crank up the the size of rivers now it |
3343s | is a bit difficult to always get it to |
3346s | to behave when you start uh changing |
3349s | parameters but if you have if you have |
3351s | some patience you can make it so that it |
3354s | generates like valid worlds like 90% of |
3356s | the time and you can still have most of |
3358s | what you want but I I definitely see |
3361s | your your problems there yeah so like a |
3364s | smaller world with trying to fill them |
3366s | with the same amount of biomes but also |
3368s | adding you know 40% water it's uh it's |
3372s | going to make those biomes very small |
3373s | and then the biomes have to connect to |
3375s | the other neighboring biomes in a nice |
3377s | way and you're going to end up with like |
3380s | you know Aspen trees in the desert |
3382s | because it's too close |
3385s | yeah one of one of the one of the things |
3387s | that I'm I was looking into a while ago |
3390s | um and and started kind of investigating |
3392s | if we wanted to push |
3394s | for um is adding sort of a toggle if you |
3399s | will of simplified biome |
3402s | structuring so instead of right now it |
3406s | is a very North American approach to how |
3408s | the biomes are generated in terms of U |
3412s | like how the mountains cater around with |
3415s | um tiger or you know Cold Mountain Cold |
3418s | forests falling along and and so on so |
3420s | you have like a natural a more natural |
3423s | looking World due to how these regions |
3427s | organize themselves to each |
3430s | other um so one of the things that uh I |
3433s | looked at was if we wanted to have like |
3435s | a a |
3436s | simplified uh toggle for doing more in |
3441s | line with something towards like |
3444s | Minecraft generation where you just tab |
3447s | a cohesive here is this biome and then |
3451s | bam here is the next one you don't have |
3453s | it rule set that it needs to |
3457s | be enclosed by |
3460s | it |
3461s | mhm so for example right now Mountain |
3464s | isn't allowed to |
3466s | get uh Mountain has to be encompassed by |
3470s | a cold forest or a tiger which is why it |
3473s | doesn't generate with a desert next to |
3474s | it but you know in in |
3477s | in different places in the world we have |
3479s | mountains in the desert um MH but |
3483s | because of the |
3485s | bio uh the biosphere that the game is |
3488s | Centric around that's not the case so |
3492s | looking into like World Generation |
3493s | options to be able to change those out |
3496s | and kind of easily flip switches around |
3498s | to get a very different looking |
3501s | world without needing the knowledge of |
3504s | like digging super into to um how the |
3507s | worldion works and and figuring all that |
3509s | out kind of reducing the learning curve |
3512s | to uh to to shift things around like |
3514s | that |
3517s | um speaking of water I think you seg |
3519s | radar us into |
3521s | the the next thing we're going to |
3528s | judge you want to present it |
3531s | set yeah so this is Adobe membership's |
3534s | Town um feel free to explore it as much |
3538s | as you'd like I know they spent a ton of |
3541s | time on this bridge this bridge is |
3543s | fantastic I think but the next entry is |
3545s | the lighthouse that's in the center of |
3547s | the |
3549s | bay and the lighthouse is presented by |
3552s | Armor Man |
3559s | gamer big question does it have a |
3563s | bell not here I don't know if it has a |
3567s | bell I don't know if if he if he had |
3570s | time to complete it he sent me a DM a |
3573s | couple weeks ago that he wanted to enter |
3574s | it and then he's gone quiet so I don't |
3577s | know if real life circumstances came up |
3580s | or what have you that happens it does |
3584s | also the belts aren't always super easy |
3586s | to to get a hold of because they aren't |
3589s | like an item that everyone makes and |
3591s | puts in their shops they usually have to |
3593s | ask custom for them but I like them |
3597s | yep we have a lot of a lot of social |
3599s | trading in that aspect um |
3602s | yeah I've tried to make a lot of the |
3606s | creative or decorative only recipes a |
3608s | little bit cheaper but a lot of it is |
3610s | community and social and then the |
3612s | learning curve um our server differs |
3615s | quite a bit from vanilla settings in |
3617s | some aspects so a lot of times people |
3619s | don't realize that they have access to |
3621s | it or the prices or the cost or that |
3623s | kind of thing right yeah |
3628s | that makes |
3631s | sense this just regular brick top yeah |
3634s | it |
3636s | is almost forgot what regular break |
3638s | looks like everyone paints |
3652s | them there's a beginning of a fundament |
3655s | underneath yeah |
3657s | yeah there there is and I appreciate |
3660s | that I I I I do as well there there I I |
3663s | think this this might have |
3667s | um this might be falling into uh into |
3670s | the realm of |
3672s | uh lack of |
3675s | time more than anything because there |
3677s | are there are some pieces missing |
3684s | um but the uh the fundament sorry go |
3687s | ahead yeah the uh |
3689s | the the fact that it started to build |
3692s | out a structure below |
3695s | um is uh and it sort of you can see |
3699s | traces of this is in this is kind of in |
3702s | progress |
3704s | um but I I I really appreciate the |
3707s | effort of |
3708s | actually going for a proper base |
3713s | um which a lot of water builders or a |
3716s | water a lot of water buildings or you |
3718s | know stuff that is built in water but |
3721s | mainly on the surface tend to uh to skip |
3725s | out |
3728s | on um I can appreciate |
3735s | that and I think we we are all here |
3739s | right we we we haven't missed anyone on |
3741s | the |
3743s | road um so I can uh I can start off with |
3748s | this one since you took the |
3750s | last um I'm probably going to give this |
3754s | a four on that on that note um it is |
3759s | unfortunately missing some some |
3761s | fundamentals I would have like to see a |
3763s | search light for |
3764s | one |
3766s | um but on uh on pure pure General |
3771s | structuredness um I like the mixture of |
3775s | materials um um I would have liked to |
3777s | seen a little bit of color just to |
3780s | amplify it a bit but it does have a very |
3783s | very nice natural feel to |
3786s | it um but the fact that it is missing a |
3789s | chunk on the |
3791s | base um disregarding the actual support |
3794s | below |
3795s | water um it is missing a a chunk wall |
3798s | here so uh that's mainly what's the |
3802s | tracting points for |
3803s | me |
3805s | uh other than that it it is a nice |
3807s | Lighthouse it is a really really big |
3809s | Lighthouse as well so uh Plus for scale |
3812s | uh negative points for were missing |
3818s | blocks |
3821s | okay think my scoring would be a five I |
3825s | still I still still like it because it's |
3827s | it stands on its own no pun |
3830s | intended um and like it is relatively |
3834s | basic but it's also as you say well |
3837s | scaled it has used it has different |
3839s | materials for different uh like sections |
3841s | to like break it up and I can see that |
3846s | they had a more grandio plan but I still |
3850s | feel it's uh it's a perfectly valid |
3854s | lighthouse in its |
3855s | own and also oddly the brick at the top |
3859s | shines a lot don't know if it's not |
3862s | being shadowed by anything else but it's |
3864s | it's it looks light |
3867s | would have been a six if it had a |
3892s | bell when you guys are ready we're |
3894s | heading across the coast to Via |
3897s | Luna hopefully I'm saying that |
3900s | right uh I am |
3903s | ready okay let's |
3906s | [Music] |
3909s | go uh any plans for enhancements on |
3912s | mortared |
3914s | Stone well H H did get a lot of |
3916s | attention with the do Locks |
3919s | um I at the moment no |
3924s | um I think the the the the the wishes of |
3928s | uh the the wishes we have is always kind |
3930s | of improve and amplify |
3933s | but um at the moment um not really |
3938s | anything |
3940s | towards uh towards the |
3944s | U the blocks we're trying to just kind |
3947s | of wrap up the uh the unity upgrade and |
3949s | uh get past that point so we can get uh |
3952s | onward with more fun content |
3963s | my view range very very skewed because |
3966s | it is |
3969s | not it might be a bit |
3976s | wonky probably that all face is gone to |
3983s | now right now I'm not even sure I'm |
3985s | going the right Direction I'm hoping I |
3987s | am I'm I'm just going where we were |
3991s | going uh uh yeah you're fine you can |
3994s | head south along the main |
3998s | road would be would that be after the |
4000s | water or before the |
4003s | water |
4004s | uh before the |
4007s | water where' you go turn |
4011s | right we are we are on the right path |
4017s | hey look at that a little a little |
4019s | Farmstead |
4021s | or totally not sidetracked here at all |
4024s | it's like oh look at |
4026s | that that is that is pretty you Sid |
4028s | track as much as you want I'll try to |
4030s | stay airborne so you can find |
4032s | me I just getting uh Farmland using |
4036s | signs to to just Proclaim what you're |
4039s | growing in on in the different plots |
4041s | which |
4042s | is kind of nice |
4048s | so if anyone is if anyone is wondering |
4050s | what was planted |
4053s | here and someone har someone else |
4055s | harvests it then uh they don't forget |
4058s | what to |
4059s | replant it's kind of |
4063s | nice eases up collaborative farming in |
4067s | between |
4074s | people there I have caught back up with |
4083s | you so our next entry is this far east |
4088s | Lumber Town Hall and this is done by |
4092s | bakira who is a long-standing member of |
4095s | the Eco |
4099s | community and |
4101s | his yeah his water structure has fish |
4105s | living in it |
4107s | you know he wanted that to be part of it |
4110s | I think he actually piped in all the |
4115s | water oh yeah holy holy |
4125s | smokes that is |
4127s | impressive that that is that is very |
4130s | very nicely |
4132s | uh nicely done with uh |
4140s | General detailing of |
4142s | uh a |
4145s | little nice |
4147s | little castle in the uh with a mo |
4162s | almost so this is the uh the town M yeah |
4166s | go go ahead no no just go I was going to |
4168s | say did you say he piped in all of this |
4170s | water I'm I'm not sure um but he |
4174s | definitely has a pipe coming from a |
4176s | water source into |
4178s | here oh yeah you can you can see the |
4180s | water diving or kind |
4183s | of um cring |
4187s | down so maybe he used the water to to |
4190s | fill in where it was missing or but he's |
4194s | definitely got aquad do blocked |
4196s | um to help out with |
4202s | it oh yeah yeah on the uh I know I am |
4205s | piping it but Kira if you would like to |
4207s | join voice and introduce your build you |
4209s | are more than welcome to ah yeah okay so |
4213s | it I it's it was part of a |
4218s | lake or cuz there is there there is what |
4222s | looks like natural water in the back |
4229s | but maybe maybe we can |
4232s | uh uh get a little bit of a |
4236s | technical description of that um hello |
4242s | helloo yes let |
4246s | me right uh now I can hear you correctly |
4251s | and I muted the stream so that I don't |
4252s | show up there twice |
4258s | so yeah we we actually have a river |
4261s | going through that exact portion uh but |
4263s | it was not tall enough or distributed |
4266s | enough and that's why the aquad blocks |
4268s | were needed I am pumping water on one of |
4271s | the sides and I see that the other pump |
4273s | either broke or didn't want to go on |
4275s | anymore and that's why you see the very |
4277s | shallow water on the right side yeah H |
4279s | but other than that yes all of the other |
4281s | water was pumped up uh I wanted to also |
4285s | make it visible so that it doesn't look |
4287s | like a magical |
4288s | spell I wanted to build a fountain but |
4291s | you know there was a size |
4295s | limitation yeah no it it looks it looks |
4298s | fantastic thank you very much |
4331s | if you haven't on end you can please go |
4333s | ahead first I had some internet |
4336s | connectivity issues I need to rejoin ah |
4340s | uh yeah no I I I haven't but I can go um |
4345s | so |
4347s | uh for this one I am probably giving it |
4350s | an eight or probably as if I aren't um |
4355s | because it looks very very nice it's |
4358s | well thought out and once again the the |
4361s | U the pwn SL Gardens |
4363s | are dropped down below uh ground level |
4366s | so they fit in nicely |
4368s | um The Break in with the |
4372s | um the gravel Garden display um um as |
4376s | well as the use |
4378s | of uh the entrance gate and the matching |
4383s | up use of uh paper lanterns to kind of |
4385s | fit in with the style uh keeping it |
4388s | keeping it mostly symmetrical is also |
4390s | very nice because I I always like a |
4392s | symmetrical build |
4397s | um but the whole fitting in with the |
4400s | theme um the scale of it is quite nice |
4403s | as well it's not too grandio those um |
4407s | throwing either one off so like the |
4409s | entrance |
4411s | portal has this kind of huge feel to it |
4416s | when you're getting into the building |
4419s | um so I I think just proportionally it's |
4422s | it's very very well tuned |
4426s | um and it is practical as |
4431s | well yeah I'm I'm I'm giving this a |
4433s | solid eight |
4439s | okay thank you haven't had as much time |
4442s | to look at this I had some issues there |
4446s | but I am hovering between seven and |
4450s | eight somewhere it's it's hard to |
4453s | decide uh I really like the the mo uh |
4458s | and that the ponds are once again down |
4461s | in the ground so they almost look that |
4462s | they're part of the uh part of the of |
4465s | theote and |
4467s | uh I think it is um this is the um |
4472s | what's it called town hall right so it's |
4475s | functional as |
4480s | said |
4489s | difficult yeah I |
4491s | think I will also be going for an eight |
4498s | yeah that is my final |
4501s | verdict I really like the mo alping glow |
4504s | says visually striking the torches help |
4506s | bring it to life the fact that it looks |
4508s | like it's floating on the pond works as |
4511s | well as the design choice is clearly |
4513s | designed to be viewed from the front and |
4514s | works really well from this angle |
4516s | especially with the force in the |
4523s | background so we can head south through |
4526s | this town um and check out the rest of |
4530s | the town and then I think heading to the |
4534s | left at the welcome to Via Luna sign |
4537s | works well and then we'll head across |
4540s | the coast one more time for our last |
4543s | entry oh that is also that that is a |
4546s | nice way to uh to drop up a |
4550s | silo it it looks like a |
4553s | stone like Farm proper farm silo |
4558s | structure yep that's tiny ay they are uh |
4563s | a long-standing Community member of |
4567s | ours the inside of that Silo not the |
4570s | object itself but the a building itself |
4571s | was actually also decorated like it had |
4574s | little railings of wood and things like |
4578s | that had a quick peek |
4600s | the house has corn hair |
4623s | so here's our final town and this is the |
4626s | town that was responsible for the lasers |
4629s | and destroying the |
4630s | meteor um they they have a really cool |
4634s | meteor destruction station that is over |
4637s | this |
4639s | way yeah this this is a very very |
4642s | industrial practical town |
4650s | and you're floating over our last entry |
4653s | right now which fits with the the |
4655s | Practical theme of a gas |
4663s | station yeah the the Red Roof |
4665s | immediately kind caught my attention mhm |
4677s | I like the italics on the |
4680s | sign screams gas |
4690s | station and this entry is by Orin |
4729s | you know seeing this |
4732s | uh makes me realize that uh we probably |
4735s | want to be expanding the uh the the |
4737s | gravel the garden gravel blocks a |
4741s | bit cuz they clearly Miss |
4751s | slopes yeah that's also one of my new |
4753s | favorite blocks can do so much with it |
4756s | can make more um like believable Gans |
4760s | with them one thing I've actually missed |
4763s | a lot in Eco is uh a way to |
4765s | to like have a trimmed Garden rather |
4769s | than a wild garden because if you leave |
4770s | your like regular dirt blocks out |
4772s | stuff's going to grow on them it's going |
4774s | to look like uh it's going to look wild |
4776s | rather than like a |
4779s | lawn mhm and gravel box help a bit with |
4783s | that looks look how much nicer the ramps |
4786s | are with the white lines like that yes |
4788s | El my I am aware of this |
4796s | I want an apartment claim system for |
4799s | skyscrapers yeah |
4808s | um guess it's difficult with how the |
4811s | claim system yeah because the claim |
4813s | system yeah it's tied to |
4818s | essentially the the the chunk system in |
4820s | a way |
4822s | and doing it in another way would |
4829s | add it it falls into the difficulty of |
4832s | modularity and use versus Simplicity |
4836s | and ease of use CU if you if you want to |
4841s | have like an apartment level scale of |
4843s | claiming you're going to need to have a |
4845s | height |
4847s | limitation but then when you're claiming |
4849s | a property you would then need to claim |
4852s | the same property multiple times and you |
4853s | need to be able to visually repres |
4855s | present that to the player so they don't |
4857s | you know they build a skyscraper and |
4859s | suddenly their top floor is unclaimed |
4861s | because they forgot to claim the next |
4864s | level |
4866s | um there there is there is a a myriad of |
4870s | complications that comes with that even |
4873s | though I |
4874s | do appreciate the interest in having |
4877s | that more modular because then you could |
4879s | claim the surface to have your building |
4881s | on but you don't need to worry about you |
4883s | know you don't care about who's digging |
4885s | below your |
4887s | house um so there are both ups and and |
4891s | like pros and cons with uh with both of |
4912s | it would you like me to start with this |
4914s | one yeah go for |
4916s | it okay so I looked around a bit it |
4920s | definitely looks like a gas station I |
4922s | can say 10 out of 10 this is a gas |
4924s | station like there's so many iconic |
4926s | things like the the sign having the |
4929s | what's it called like the the spotlights |
4931s | on it the italics like I mentioned |
4933s | before and like there's little details |
4936s | like that and that they sell in |
4937s | particular Donuts I I have to check |
4940s | actually does this store in |
4942s | here no okay oh it's turned off so I |
4945s | can't check I was going to check if it |
4947s | actually had Donuts that's what I bumped |
4949s | it um and just the regular craft or gas |
4955s | station |
4956s | cell uh and then you know the little |
4959s | like dividers and stuff and parking |
4960s | spaces it it looks very authentic so I |
4963s | think I want to give it a seven it's a |
4966s | it's well made |
4968s | uh I would personally have liked an |
4970s | interior to it uh but a gas station I |
4974s | guess would have like shelves |
4978s | uh and the shelves we have an Eco are |
4981s | most like living room shelves I'm not |
4982s | sure if it would have worked out but |
4984s | might have been I might asking for |
4986s | something that be pretty difficult to |
4988s | make but yeah I want to give this a |
4994s | seven I I am I'm I'm |
4997s | so I'm I'm I'm so sad that |
5001s | the some of the on the mention of |
5004s | shelves uh we we do have a whole ton of |
5008s | more decorative things coming for for |
5011s | really for the next major |
5014s | update and a bunch of them are just |
5016s | shelves in different |
5018s | styles um including like modern like a |
5022s | more modernes like uh polished steel and |
5024s | and framework shelves and and |
5027s | whatnot um well I guess we're gonna have |
5029s | to do this again sometime yeah there |
5031s | there's there's there's a ton of cool |
5033s | things um |
5035s | that we have uh Brewing on um I I'll see |
5039s | if I can pop open um the staging Branch |
5045s | after uh after we're done with this um |
5047s | while we can post chatting but |
5050s | um on the gas station um I think it's |
5053s | absolutely fantastic I love the um love |
5057s | the dividers the uh like the safety |
5059s | barriers things from not colliding with |
5062s | the with the uh the roofing structure |
5065s | um I would have liked to seen some more |
5068s | object |
5070s | Decor um either by |
5074s | pure uh the general World objects |
5078s | that can be representative of I know one |
5082s | of the one of the more common ones being |
5084s | the the currency exchange as like a gas |
5086s | a gas station |
5089s | pump |
5091s | um which um |
5096s | uh and or like some empty barrels or |
5097s | something like just a little bit more |
5100s | Decor out however this this does |
5102s | represent like the the epiphany of like |
5104s | this is a recently open gas station it's |
5106s | pristine it's nice it's clean doesn't |
5109s | have garbage loing |
5111s | around |
5113s | um so I think I'm going to lean in with |
5117s | uh with you and that as well like a |
5119s | strong |
5119s | seven |
5121s | um it would probably have been higher if |
5124s | there was a little bit more Decor or |
5126s | some sence interior um we were we were |
5130s | only judging on the pure |
5132s | exterior um in general but with a giant |
5136s | glass Panorama window it's hard to not |
5138s | also take into the account um what you |
5141s | can |
5142s | see um that's what I felt as well so |
5145s | that that you can see the inside from |
5146s | the outside yeah so that that does take |
5148s | it away a little bit um but yeah I would |
5151s | I would I would say a strong seven um I |
5154s | do like the creativity of it I do like |
5156s | the use of corrugated steel um |
5159s | surrounding to kind of get that overhang |
5161s | of that structure um as well as keeping |
5164s | it within like a |
5166s | modernes feel |
5169s | um and the the giant U AD Sign with the |
5174s | U the cursive text or the the half |
5177s | cursive |
5178s | text um to uh to really emphasize that |
5181s | Max word um because it's a nice touch |
5186s | um so yeah overall a strong s for |
5197s | me |
5200s | awesome I know their town hall is this |
5203s | Limestone building um they spent a lot |
5206s | of work decorating that as well and then |
5209s | their laser |
5211s | Garden is down the road a bit and on the |
5217s | [Music] |
5221s | left but that was our last official |
5223s | entry so can chat away about whatever |
5227s | you'd |
5229s | like I think I would like to amend one |
5231s | of my scores actually I was very |
5232s | uncertain on it before I think I would |
5235s | want |
5236s | my a second entry for the the monastery |
5240s | I think I would like to change that to |
5241s | an eight is that allowed sure |
5245s | because now that now that you guys have |
5246s | seen all of them you can give a more |
5248s | holistic score on them if you're set |
5251s | with your scores or if you want to in |
5255s | them I think that's the only one I would |
5257s | like to change like now that I like I've |
5259s | seen the the range of |
5261s | things that was definitely on uh on par |
5265s | with a lot of other really good |
5268s | ones I got some uh in chat from um |
5274s | Alp |
5276s | glow oh |
5280s | yeah for the petrol station I think |
5289s | right Al glob yeah |
5292s | yeah yeah he said the spotlight sign |
5295s | works well but is a bit high up that I |
5296s | didn't notice it to begin with the Red |
5298s | Roof also fits the theme well although |
5300s | the build could have been done with more |
5301s | decoration inside and something to |
5303s | represent the pump I felt it could do |
5305s | with a sign with the prices the overall |
5307s | impression is positive good |
5315s | effort I like the |
5317s | turtles crawling around the gas station |
5319s | that's a good |
5321s | addition it's the new animal |
5324s | AI |
5326s | yeah exactly thank you very much for |
5329s | inviting me this was really cool to see |
5332s | don't get a lot of opportunities to tour |
5334s | around a uh a server like this one I |
5338s | really think your mods are very |
5340s | interesting and |
5342s | uh seem to have succeeded in allowing |
5345s | people to make uh creative |
5347s | builds I appreciate it I appreciate the |
5350s | visit we wanted um to find something to |
5354s | kind of bring the Eco communities |
5356s | together you know the Eco creates a |
5358s | great Community but the server kind of |
5361s | segments them in a way and yeah |
5365s | absolutely we wanted to reach out and |
5367s | bring pillars from other communities |
5370s | together and have a fun |
5379s | event do you have any closing words yans |
5382s | or do you want to look at more builds um |
5384s | I'm I'm just kind of scouring around |
5386s | here just just very uh very happily just |
5390s | touring around a little bit and looking |
5392s | through and I I I agree with uh I agree |
5395s | with what you say Seth and um it's |
5398s | [Music] |
5400s | um it's like from the development side |
5403s | we are providing a toolbox and we try to |
5409s | get and and keep as many people |
5411s | interested as possible to uh to help our |
5415s | communities but it is it is you guys our |
5418s | communities that you know help us keep |
5421s | going |
5422s | um make the game into what it can |
5426s | be |
5428s | um and there's not a whole lot uh a |
5432s | whole lot more to say about it so you |
5434s | know it it's fantastic to be able to uh |
5436s | to have the privilege |
5438s | of roaming around like this in events |
5441s | with our community um and the different |
5445s | groups |
5446s | um within it and just you know |
5448s | everyone's friendly |
5450s | everyone's uh super kind and uh just |
5454s | wants to uh create an an amazing |
5458s | experience |
5461s | um and yeah you know you you rehash |
5464s | cycle over different things over |
5465s | different cycles and you can have |
5467s | different different experiences |
5470s | throughout even on the same server or |
5472s | with the same group of people |
5475s | um um not just you know running out not |
5478s | just running another profession but |
5481s | just um interacting in a different way |
5484s | or you're doing something a little bit |
5485s | different and it turns out widely |
5488s | uh |
5490s | uh you know going absolutely crazy or it |
5493s | it turns it into a super positive |
5495s | experience |
5497s | or not so much in some cases um but |
5501s | that's also uh that's also part of life |
5503s | which |
5504s | is um what we feel is you know our kind |
5508s | of goal with the game is allowing people |
5510s | to do these uh kind of things and have |
5513s | these cool little events |
5518s | um added on to u to uh kind of building |
5523s | together a whole package of experiences |
5525s | people can delve into and uh enjoy |
5531s | so yeah it it's been an absolute blast |
5534s | uh it's been an honor to be |
5536s | here um and I hope to see more of |
5540s | it aesome well we'll have to put on |
5543s | another event sometime I don't know how |
5545s | often we'll do it this was our first |
5547s | annual we've been running a year and |
5550s | like you said it's it's been so much fun |
5553s | to instead of have a focus on a cycle |
5556s | have a focus on the server each cycle |
5558s | has its own logistical issues that you |
5562s | know you can make zero gameplay changes |
5564s | and the logistical issues for the cycle |
5566s | are completely different than they were |
5568s | the previous times and the drama and |
5572s | the the you know people with the their |
5576s | own little quirks and tendencies it it's |
5580s | always interesting but we've been very |
5582s | fortunate very lucky the Eco Community |
5584s | is absolutely fantastic we've had to |
5586s | have very little admin intervention and |
5589s | uh people people by and large just want |
5592s | to have fun and build something as a |
5595s | community and it's been fantastic and we |
5598s | love the game |
5599s | and all all of this is possible Megan is |
5602s | here lurking but this was her Christmas |
5604s | present a year ago and I uh I didn't |
5608s | realize what I was getting myself into |
5609s | when I when I made her the server but |
5612s | it's it's an ongoing forever Christmas |
5615s | present so this is this is all for her |
5618s | this is she's not a gamer by nature but |
5621s | this is the game that she tried and |
5622s | absolutely fell in love with and has |
5625s | played ever |
5628s | since that is amazing I've heard so many |
5630s | stories like that as well especially for |
5632s | Eco actually I think it's |
5634s | uh it it's something special for sure |
5638s | there's so many different things in it |
5640s | that |
5641s | uh I guess caters to a lot of different |
5644s | people like it's very social uh there's |
5646s | some like |
5650s | nitty-gritty uh like how you set up your |
5653s | stores and like figuring out optimal |
5657s | like optimization |
5658s | problems uh and at the same time like |
5661s | wanting to make something that looks |
5662s | nice there's so many different types of |
5664s | sub demographics that play this game uh |
5668s | and that's why I also think it's so |
5669s | important that servers have |
5673s | different call it like Styles or they |
5675s | cater to different sub |
5677s | demographics so like this is |
5680s | very creative but at the same time I |
5682s | think you have to taken a mod spin on it |
5685s | to make it a little bit more like make |
5688s | it last a little bit longer and that's a |
5690s | difficult thing for sure without causing |
5693s | a lot of of |
5696s | confusion yep we're we're definitely |
5699s | geared towards um a a lengthier |
5702s | progression system with the intricacies |
5704s | of our recipes we we haven't necessarily |
5706s | increased the grind per se but a lot of |
5710s | the recipes have a lot more um |
5712s | interaction between the different the |
5715s | different professions so it's you know |
5717s | you can't really have a a village of |
5719s | three or four people doing everything it |
5721s | it takes a a lot more or and that's |
5726s | difficult um unless you have the you |
5728s | know the population to um support that |
5732s | so it's it's definitely a lot of fun but |
5736s | it's um you know you can set up your |
5738s | store perfectly but at the same time |
5740s | someone who's very social in in the chat |
5744s | and wheeling and dealing in in the chat |
5747s | that kind of thing can also be very |
5749s | successful so it it's it's definitely a |
5751s | lot of fun for our players I think |
5755s | mhm okay with that I think I will dip |
5758s | out and get myself some dinner thank you |
5761s | so very much for inviting me and showing |
5762s | you your server and your amazing bills |
5764s | you're welcome thanks for coming and |
5767s | judging and we appreciate you thank you |
5770s | very much have a great evening or |
5772s | whatever soon you take care stay safe |
5775s | you to |
5783s | byebye what do you think Yan you have |
5785s | any questions for us or do you want to |
5786s | take over with your own stuff or um yeah |
5789s | no I I I I'm like I said um it's been |
5793s | great um super impressed with all the |
5795s | builds um not just the ones in um that |
5798s | that you know went in and and applied |
5800s | into the competition um but just general |
5803s | um there been some some cool details um |
5806s | some |
5806s | impressive some impressive stuff along |
5809s | the way um and it's always fun to see |
5814s | people put in that that little bit of |
5817s | extra patience or thought into something |
5820s | that's like hey you know this little |
5822s | detail is really going to make my |
5827s | general um gameplay experience here on |
5830s | my area it's just going to make it a |
5831s | little bit more nicer a little bit more |
5834s | uh make it a little bit more pop out |
5836s | of kind of the uh the monotonous like |
5839s | Square buildings just focus on |
5842s | production or whatnot and it's it's |
5845s | super super appreciated to see that um |
5849s | as a developer just you know going going |
5851s | over and looking at |
5853s | these |
5855s | um |
5857s | and yeah no it's overall a very very |
5861s | wholesome experience |
5863s | um it's uh it's been |
5869s | cool uh I am going to |
5874s | uh let me get out of recording mode here |
5876s | so I can actually get the |
5879s | uh there we |
5882s | go so I can actually hop out of the |
5884s | client uh so one of the things I am |
5886s | going to see if I can do |
5890s | um we can do that moderately quickly we |
5893s | can do a little a little bit of sneak |
5895s | peek |
5897s | into |
5901s | uh some of the things and and that's a a |
5904s | little bit based on if Unity wants to |
5906s | load somewhat quickly um so bear with |
5910s | me um and if you uh I can actually do |
5914s | this you guys have access to it in in |
5918s | live um so you don't get like lagged |
5922s | behind on having to see it on the |
5926s | stream |
5928s | um we can do that and that so I can |
5932s | stream it out live there |
5935s | and then I can show it on stream here in |
5936s | a |
5939s | second so we have um some of the things |
5942s | that we've been working on to um to kind |
5946s | of help with this whole decorative |
5948s | things and adding in um coziness into |
5952s | the game a little bit uh removing some |
5955s | of the static behaviors for things uh |
5958s | making |
5959s | it uh giving or giving players the |
5962s | ability to be personalizing it a lot |
5965s | more than what you currently can and one |
5968s | of the things that we felt really really |
5970s | lacked was just quantity of decorative |
5976s | objects um so obviously we're going to |
5978s | need to have a whole bunch of new stuff |
5983s | um but we are |
5985s | also changing out the way how to play or |
5989s | well you're still placing it kind of the |
5991s | same way you have the interaction with |
5992s | the object Gra it in your hand placing |
5994s | it down uh but we're moving away from |
5996s | the tile system so instead of you being |
5998s | locked to that specific grid it allows |
6001s | you to completely free foreign place |
6003s | things um in a whole new |
6006s | way so yeah you're going to be able to |
6009s | you know place things on other objects |
6012s | um so you pop down a table you can place |
6014s | you know vases on tables |
6016s | or um stacking books or or whatever you |
6020s | feel |
6022s | like and that is going of open up the |
6024s | modding scene I believe in an absolutely |
6025s | crazy way uh for object additions right |
6029s | now there's there's very little kind of |
6031s | incentive to add a lot of decorative |
6034s | objects uh from moders there are some um |
6038s | and they look fantastic but they're |
6040s | still following the same hard line of |
6043s | they need to have their occupancy set |
6045s | they're stuck to the tile system which |
6047s | means you can't make them as nice or |
6049s | intricate as you would perhaps have |
6051s | liked |
6055s | um so that is something that we're |
6057s | looking to change out |
6059s | um I'm just waiting for oh boy |
6063s | that that Unity |
6067s | lighting uh so let's get that popped |
6070s | let's get the server running and |
6073s | then see if everything plays |
6076s | nicely so I can actually transition into |
6079s | that |
6084s | um so as you can you can probably tell |
6086s | here in a little bit of a sneak peek um |
6089s | there are some new uh some new shelves |
6092s | coming in um as well as some |
6094s | other small little |
6100s | details server wants to compile and |
6105s | build |
6110s | um let me grab the shets |
6116s | um any ideas on having liquified fuels |
6118s | or fluids rather than just barrels uh |
6120s | there there is there is some thoughts |
6122s | and and that in the back uh but it is on |
6125s | the back burner um |
6128s | currently so it it wouldn't happen |
6131s | anytime anytime soon per |
6134s | se we come on server compile pretty |
6139s | please and I didn't want to have the |
6140s | server compiling and running in the |
6142s | background while doing the um |
6145s | uh the event stuff to avoid having any |
6148s | problems or any possible uh performance |
6153s | issues |
6158s | um see the server is up and running now |
6161s | we just need Unity to play nicely |
6164s | and get in |
6169s | order um at the moment there isn't where |
6173s | we we still have some technical |
6175s | difficulties with |
6178s | um kind of adjusting things to work with |
6181s | the new Unity |
6183s | version uh so what I I am popping out |
6186s | let me |
6187s | just add that as a text maybe |
6192s | just Let's |
6194s | do let's do that and let's just add that |
6198s | work in progress It's a rough few months |
6200s | for you guys going from net s to net 8 |
6204s | and then having to upgrade Unity right |
6205s | at the same time um right |
6209s | afterwards yeah well I mean it it's it |
6212s | it's been kind of different problems so |
6215s | the net upgrade was just purely code if |
6218s | you |
6219s | will um whereas the unity upgrade is as |
6223s | well as the uh the render pipeline |
6224s | upgrade means that there's a lot of |
6226s | still very technical things but it's not |
6228s | just pure code it's related to um how |
6232s | things are being displayed or how |
6234s | materials are being applied to things in |
6236s | Shadow casting and and all of this |
6237s | graphical portion of it rather than just |
6240s | systematic |
6242s | code um so the unity upgrade broke |
6245s | almost all of our shaders straight out |
6248s | so those needs to be re kind of |
6250s | readjusted to fit in with the |
6253s | changes um which is why I'm also not |
6256s | showing this in unity 6 because uh so |
6259s | this is on our staging Branch it's using |
6261s | the older Unity version so it's not |
6263s | going to have the fancy graphic stuff um |
6265s | but the shaders are there are some |
6267s | shaders that are currently broken and I |
6269s | kind of want to show objects with the |
6271s | actual textures not just pink |
6275s | stuff uh I wonder is that going to break |
6278s | all the mod shaders as well um no |
6280s | because the mod sh the mods are using |
6282s | our shaders so the mods are going to be |
6285s | broken in that they need to be |
6287s | recompiled with the new Unity |
6289s | version but I don't think there's going |
6291s | to be a lot of adapting for for the mods |
6294s | they basically just have to be loaded in |
6295s | the new version so they apply the new |
6298s | the the new technical data from the the |
6300s | updated |
6302s | shaders |
6304s | okay |
6307s | um curve baders the scourge of the Eco |
6310s | modding |
6311s | Community I I it's the first time uh |
6314s | today I noticed the snowmen were |
6316s | floating I I didn't check to see if he |
6318s | has a patch for that or not oh yeah um |
6323s | yeah no so um I know Toby has been |
6326s | working on a bit |
6328s | of technical assistance |
6333s | for |
6335s | um making it slightly easier to make |
6339s | assets um so setting up like setting up |
6343s | New World objects for example |
6346s | umh it I don't know if he's exported |
6351s | that script over to |
6354s | the mod kit yet it might be something |
6357s | that you're going to have to wait for |
6358s | for the next Unity upgrade to do um but |
6363s | he |
6364s | did |
6366s | um he did a |
6371s | um I can't remember what that where that |
6373s | was um essentially a new um a new asset |
6378s | build script so you just hit like create |
6381s | World object and it just presets and |
6383s | sets up up all the |
6384s | default um data containing to uh to a |
6390s | world object it sets the Shader it sets |
6392s | the uh it sets up different example um |
6396s | game objects for the different parts of |
6401s | um of everything so that's setable the |
6405s | same thing for like if you're making a |
6407s | pot um you have a preset for like turn |
6410s | into uh a a a plant pot thing and it |
6414s | just adds all the different parts that |
6416s | that needs to be graphically |
6417s | representing the plants that goes into |
6419s | it and all of |
6420s | that so a lot of the um a lot to just |
6423s | help modders |
6425s | do um kind of lower the threshold to |
6428s | make mods if you |
6430s | will yeah for sure um so that's SS |
6434s | really handy yeah so that that's |
6436s | hopefully right now |
6438s | know where when you're at a world object |
6440s | you have a whole like lot of checklist |
6442s | of things that are you know they're |
6444s | rather simple but you miss any one of |
6446s | those things and uh you're |
6449s | troubleshooting for the next hour trying |
6450s | to figure out which piece you missed |
6452s | yeah no so with this it's basically just |
6454s | hit create World object and Bam you you |
6456s | kind of get a predefined structure of of |
6458s | the different things now you're going to |
6459s | need to kind of customize it if you're |
6461s | building you know a vehicle or if you're |
6464s | making a a super intricate thing with |
6466s | with a bunch of animations and whatever |
6468s | else um but to make like a rigid DEC |
6474s | to pile of scrap or a book or you know a |
6478s | frame or whatever that's going to be a |
6480s | lot easier with |
6482s | this um thanks and I I don't know if |
6485s | it's published yet but he also set up a |
6487s | bunch of tools in |
6489s | blender um to be able to just hit and |
6493s | kind of get the scales correctly as |
6495s | well |
6497s | um so I'm going to see if I can push him |
6499s | to uh to kind of publish that and get |
6501s | that out into like a a package you can |
6504s | um like a toolkit package that you can |
6506s | grab from their |
6509s | extensions um so there's there's some |
6511s | there's some underling work that is not |
6514s | going to be like super end user thing |
6517s | but it is going to make the community |
6520s | effort to uh and the mod the the modding |
6523s | community in particular |
6525s | just have have an easier life to do |
6528s | things they want to |
6530s | do let's see if it actually wants to let |
6532s | me in here |
6533s | um I didn't Purge the save |
6537s | so hoping it'll let me in pretty please |
6542s | let's switch that over as well so we can |
6545s | get |
6546s | that VIP text in otherwise Dennis is |
6548s | going to be |
6551s | sad and I forgot to remove the uh the |
6554s | Golden Age Community server text the |
6555s | blow but |
6557s | yeah we we did visit that so that'll |
6559s | that'll be uh still count still counts |
6564s | [Music] |
6566s | we are on the Golden Age Community |
6568s | Discord so it it it does still count I |
6570s | think that's |
6572s | true now I will not for the life of me |
6574s | remember what all of these shelves were |
6576s | named |
6577s | so |
6580s | um we'll |
6588s | see let just grab a starting point going |
6592s | to break orang heart with all the new Js |
6594s | upcoming for his gas |
6598s | station so we are going to do that and |
6600s | then we are just going to |
6602s | do let's do just a flat out |
6605s | level and we'll grab SL G Dev |
6612s | tool and then we just do let's do |
6616s | composite |
6618s | Oak let's just do a |
6623s | do a |
6624s | little just a little wall we're not |
6626s | going to do anything super fancy I'm |
6627s | just going to sneak sneak peek throwing |
6632s | things out um and as I said I'm going to |
6635s | do a full stream on like all the general |
6637s | details surrounding this and the U the |
6641s | incases surrounding it once we have the |
6644s | um develop build in a little bit more |
6646s | stable |
6648s | State uh so if we grab uh |
6653s | grab a human |
6655s | table there we go and then give |
6662s | deot oh wow that's super |
6666s | cool so we are you can rotate it yeah so |
6669s | at the moment it's still rotating on on |
6672s | a a specific tilage but we are looking |
6676s | into like uh you're placing down and |
6678s | like holding right Mouse button for |
6679s | placing it and then rotating it with |
6681s | mouse instead and so on so like like |
6684s | proper flee free flow and whatnot mhm uh |
6688s | so let's put this in full screen um do |
6691s | that let's do give |
6695s | shelf |
6697s | no please give me full list of things |
6701s | but uh do we do preset World |
6705s | object yeah let's let's do that |
6709s | preset |
6712s | objects could have sworn that was the |
6713s | preset |
6716s | command oh yeah we it it broke the |
6719s | search scan link as |
6721s | well e okay hang on give me a a |
6728s | wild second while I pull up the tector I |
6731s | actually have the names of the |
6735s | things |
6738s | uh |
6740s | staging content take three thank |
6747s | you and then we have World |
6751s | objects and then we can just |
6755s | do search for all the work in progress |
6759s | stuff there we go now I have a giant |
6761s | list of things so |
6764s | um |
6766s | let's put that back here now we can |
6768s | actually we can amend that |
6771s | text I can find which which of the texts |
6774s | it is that's the text there we |
6778s | go |
6782s | uh and then we're going to make sure I |
6783s | have the shat |
6785s | there then we're going to put the text |
6787s | Tre over |
6789s | there there we go so um a few things um |
6794s | that we have been looking out for is |
6797s | something I think I I think this is |
6799s | going to be absolutely blowing people's |
6801s | minds |
6803s | uh so let's do |
6808s | that no damn it they're not set up in in |
6810s | addressables |
6812s | ah you know what we might be able |
6815s | to we we'll we'll just leave that so we |
6817s | do have some cool new shop windows that |
6820s | is going to be coming we'll we'll leave |
6821s | that to uh to the next stream because I |
6823s | do have plans on uh doing that next week |
6827s | uh or the upcoming |
6830s | week |
6831s | uh we'll do we'll do some books give |
6835s | gold trim |
6837s | book uh so we have some general some |
6841s | general cool new decorative things that |
6843s | just allows you to uh to add |
6848s | Place |
6850s | uh some decorative |
6854s | uh and this is they still take |
6859s | uh hammer they still take um the general |
6863s | Collision in mind so you won't be able |
6866s | to like overlap and stack them |
6868s | crazily um so they do have their own |
6871s | restrictions but it is something that we |
6873s | can customize too so if we want uh books |
6876s | to be a specific surface you can set |
6878s | that up in the prefab of that world |
6881s | object so anything can be stackable on |
6884s | most things that you decide to |
6886s | do so if you wanted to have you know a |
6889s | Sherby stackable on a table that's |
6891s | completely possible now um and so on and |
6894s | that's easily predefined in the object |
6898s | script um so the Cs file for the object |
6902s | defining on what surface it's allowed to |
6904s | be placed |
6907s | on um but we were here for shelves right |
6911s | that's what we came |
6912s | for well we were just here for a quick |
6915s | visit but I'm willing to stay for |
6917s | whatever you want to share |
6924s | didn't |
6926s | I okay you know what we're we're copy |
6928s | pasting things |
6930s | because I can't spell |
6934s | apparently let's do that and let's do SL |
6938s | give there we |
6942s | go o those are |
6945s | pretty so we have stuff like this and I |
6949s | don't think I don't think I set them out |
6952s | yet with no oh yeah yeah yeah so they |
6955s | are um so yeah all of these all of these |
6958s | surfaces are able to be customizable so |
6960s | you can actually set what you want on |
6962s | them works on the top and the bottom |
6964s | shelf too yeah uh is the book readable |
6967s | no but it wouldn't be too difficult to |
6970s | make like a |
6972s | text um like an |
6974s | interactive object text component like a |
6977s | book component that you could just add |
6980s | pages in with text um so that's |
6984s | possible uh we also have some standing B |
6989s | pop nope that was not set up in |
6991s | addressables yet we are not showing that |
6994s | off uh let's go with the we have some |
6997s | metal shelves as |
7000s | well let's go |
7003s | shelf we have some of these |
7013s | so we have some some fancy meshed metal |
7016s | shelves as well and not only are you |
7020s | able to do that with all the decorative |
7023s | objects you can also Place anything that |
7026s | you're holding in tool wise on |
7032s | nice and what this means is that you can |
7034s | do |
7036s | this and you can set it up for |
7041s | sale and since I'm the owner of the |
7043s | object it's not going to pop up but it |
7046s | is intended so you can buy things off |
7050s | the shelves and all the U all the free |
7052s | placed items as well so there there's |
7053s | not going to be a difference between |
7054s | them and any other General World |
7057s | object okay um and I know John is |
7061s | working at the moment on fixing up the |
7065s | wall placement so you'll have free |
7066s | floating placement on the walls as |
7068s | well um so that is also not like any |
7071s | we're kind of moving away from from the |
7072s | tile placement |
7074s | completely um okay so that's going to be |
7078s | hopefully so you won't have the little |
7079s | floating Gap with the narrow wall yeah |
7082s | no everything in anything is going to be |
7084s | just kind of glued to the surface um |
7087s | great you are probably going to see some |
7090s | discrepancies in if you have like a thin |
7092s | wall and then a a regular |
7095s | wall |
7097s | um and the the part over the thin wall |
7100s | is probably going to be free float |
7101s | hanging but that is kind of up to the |
7104s | user to build |
7105s | accordingly |
7107s | mhm um so there is a whole a whole pile |
7112s | of new stuff for |
7115s | that uh we need system to place tools on |
7118s | trucks like that you mean replacing it |
7123s | um it is entirely possible to mod that |
7128s | to be |
7130s | doable if you will |
7133s | and I'm I'm presuming so one of the |
7134s | things I wouldn't want to |
7137s | do is for example if you pop down truck |
7141s | like putting things in the back of the |
7144s | truck and the main reason for that is |
7147s | because then it's going to be colliding |
7149s | significantly with uh the inventory |
7152s | system and like you you fill the bed of |
7156s | the truck with a bunch of tools and then |
7157s | suddenly you drag in you know a |
7159s | stockpile worth of gravel on it um |
7163s | it would be possible but um it it kind |
7166s | of kind of goes into uh into weird |
7170s | gameplay design um however making the |
7174s | truck bed sides work like walls or you |
7178s | know other world object placeable things |
7182s | that would be pretty cool so you could |
7183s | like you know hang a shovel at the back |
7184s | of the uh or add you know pickaxe along |
7188s | the side or whatever that could be some |
7189s | cool things to investigate to uh kind of |
7192s | customize your look of the |
7195s | [Music] |
7197s | truck um |
7208s | okay so yeah uh you know kind a little |
7211s | bit of a a sneak peek into some of the |
7213s | objects that we are adding and there is |
7216s | a |
7217s | whole whole plethora of them I think |
7220s | just for |
7222s | let me do just a run countdown for it |
7225s | decoration updates are fantastic they |
7227s | give people a way to personalize their |
7230s | experiences I |
7239s | think that is different different styled |
7244s | and different texturized shelves we're |
7246s | up |
7247s | to roughly |
7250s | 30 oh wow so there's going to be a a |
7254s | whole Behemoth of a package of |
7256s | decorative stuff and then you know whole |
7258s | a pile of different types of books um as |
7261s | you see in the teapot it comes in with |
7263s | the uh with a tray as well and |
7266s | cups um elk gong is probably going to |
7269s | get some partners with different types |
7271s | of animals |
7275s | um and um so yeah it's going to it's |
7279s | going to just expand the array of how |
7281s | much you can custom and how how much you |
7283s | can kind of decorate and build and |
7285s | really amplify the Cozy stuff and we |
7287s | also have a few a few surprises that |
7290s | we're holding off on when it comes to |
7292s | certain elements of it um one we do have |
7295s | some new cool shop windows that I'm |
7297s | going to show off on stream because um |
7300s | they're not in um but yeah there's the |
7304s | the list is quite long it's going to be |
7306s | amazing |
7308s | um and uh I'll see if if we can get a |
7314s | preliminary estimate as as kind of as |
7317s | fast as we can work on it um we do have |
7320s | some technical limitations with the |
7321s | unity upgrades so that's kind of holding |
7323s | us back a little bit |
7326s | um but that is also kind of different |
7329s | people working on it so we have time to |
7330s | polish the main user end bits in the |
7335s | meantime um have you decided or are you |
7337s | willing to share if these are going into |
7340s | existing professions are they going to |
7342s | be a workbench and available from all or |
7345s | they going to be new professions for |
7347s | decoration specific they're they're |
7349s | going into existing ones um okay and |
7351s | it's a mixture in |
7354s | between um carpentry and blacksmithing |
7359s | and |
7360s | um Advanced carpentry and and masonry |
7363s | and whatnot um there kind of like the |
7367s | the professions that are currently |
7368s | making a lot of the similar things are |
7371s | going to just just kind of get a little |
7373s | bit more expanded options but we are |
7375s | also going to be seeing more of these |
7378s | going into the later professions as well |
7380s | though uh like Advanced car 3 is going |
7383s | to get the U like the modern styled |
7386s | wooden shelves and like the veneer stuff |
7391s | um and |
7393s | uh so on so forth uh there's some some |
7396s | new plant pots and other things that are |
7400s | going in um whole bunch of new uh vases |
7404s | and |
7405s | Planters so you know just overall just |
7408s | expanding the uh the feel of it and and |
7410s | making making players be able to just |
7414s | get stuff that is going to be looking |
7417s | more unique so you're going to you're |
7418s | going to be able to stand out more with |
7420s | how you |
7425s | decorate um and and with that we are |
7428s | coming up on on just past the um the |
7431s | 2hour |
7433s | Mark so you know as a wrap up it's been |
7437s | an absolute blast um I hope people |
7439s | enjoyed a little bit of a sneak peek |
7440s | here at the end so if you've stayed this |
7443s | far uh you are champions and |
7446s | uh we appreciate you immensely |
7451s | um and yeah if you are looking for more |
7454s | news and updates and posts keep a look |
7457s | at the um official Eco Discord cu |
7462s | there's going to be more coming um and |
7464s | I'll probably start doing some more uh |
7467s | some more regular streams now that we |
7468s | are getting into a more of a completion |
7471s | State and |
7472s | polish |
7474s | um it's been a little bit hard to get |
7477s | proper fulling |
7479s | stream um content when we're just kind |
7482s | of building technical backends |
7485s | things uh but yeah no and uh once again |
7489s | thank you for having me here on uh doing |
7492s | a little tour and uh building |
7495s | rating |
7498s | um and I will probably catch you guys in |
7502s | chat |
7503s | somewhere |
7505s | someone and uh yeah no take care |
7509s | everyone and uh hope you have a uh an |
7513s | amazing week coming up and |
7517s | uh yeah that would be it for me thank |
7520s | you and uh take care |
7555s | [Music] |
7583s | [Music] |
7591s | [Music] |
7601s | [Music] |
7620s | [Music] |
7644s | [Music] |
7655s | [Music] |
7676s | [Music] |
7691s | [Music] |