Hello there!
I have been thinking about buying this game some time in the future, and wanted to know a few things that usually aren't mentioned. So here are the questions:
- How much time do I need to spend to keep up with the others? I think I can play for a fev hours every day with some ocasional brakes. Is it enought? What's generally the best amound of hours played per day?
- After checking the steam page it appers that the recent reviews have gone down to mixed. I have read that there might be some bugs, but how bad is it actually right now? Do I need to worry about them? Can I expect the issues to be fixed soon?
- In case I do decide to buy it (most likely not too long before the 28th of January) can you recomend some mostly calm and friendly servers, and begginer friendly proffesions. Generally I want to avoid a toxic comunity, and not be left behind by players rushing throught the technology (of course I know that I need to spend a few hours daily). I would love to be a calm carpenter/mason/smith (as they interst me the most) that will get somewhat involved in politics, but do you know which one of these three profesions is the best, and any tips on how to play as them?
- Do you know anything that I might have overlooked, and would you recomend this game to me? I do have quite a bit of time, and the economy aspects look very interesting to me.