about 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
Hello, i'm forwarding this to our QA person he will try to reproduce the issue and if he confirm the repro method it will be fixed quickly thanks!
about 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
Originally posted by Erohw: I hope they get it to happen because if they can't I've lost 18 hours and have to start over :(

I was having fun too. I want to continue!! that AI boss is also kind of bugged with the guy who can jam turrets and turn them friendly... If everyone dies and you have turrets turned friendly and then everyone dies... the shielding on the turrets prevents them from dying so the boss can't kill the turrets and the fight doesn't end.

Don't worry at the very least we can unlock you using the console, i suggest you joining our Discord and to MP me if it's not fixed at the next patch and i'll unlock you using the console.
about 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
To teleport you behind the Vanguard to progress the story here are the steps

1. Open the console using "="
2. Type "tp 41"
3. Close the console using "="

Have a nice day
about 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
Can you send me the save on Discord please (MP Kaldorei) thanks
about 3 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link